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ART HISTORY II Albert Reischuck 2nd Semester INTRO Art History the art as a persisting event Methodology art isn t a science so what rules methods does it follow Written documentation records that help pinpoint a date of a work Provenance the origin of a work where and when Usually determined by documentation or a chain of documents not always reliable i e forgery Style distinctive manner that can be identified as constant or recurring and therefore can be classified Chronology the history part of Art History When What era Anachronism something that doesn t appear where it should in history Intent Purpose what message was the artist trying to make Historical Context i e Stele with law code of Anamurabi ca 1750BCE Other Methodologies Marxist Criticism of Art Feminist Criticism of Art Psychoanalytic Criticism of Art the Limbourg Brothers 1423 1416 Robert Mapllethorpe Cindy Sherman 1985 begins with Sigmund Freud i e looked for vultures in DaVincis paintings Mystification larger than life Relative Dating the order of events is clear this comes before that i e grand canyon Carbon 14 Dating Radio Carbon provides absolute dating BCE Before the Common Era before Christ CE the Common Era previously AD Anno Domini CHAPTER 19 From Gothic To Renaissance 14th Century Italian Art first period Italian Proto Renaissance first date range 1250 1350 THE ITALIAN PROTO RENAISSANCE renaissance rebirth Independent City States Humanism an emphasis on education and on expanding knowledge especially of classical antiquity the exploration of individual potential and a desire to excel and a commitment to civic responsibility and moral duty Relief Carving figures project from the background of which they are a part of Nude vs Naked naked figures Adam and Eve are ashamed nude are proud Continuous Narration the principle figures appear more than once within the same scene at different stages of the narrative ex 19 3 BYZANTINE ART a k a the Greek Style flat spatial depth gold backgrounds Cimabue ex 19 6 Tempera Paint pigment is mixed with egg yolk dries very quickly opaque quality cant see through it Giotto Di Bondone apprentice of Cimabue Giotto and His Patronage in Padua o The Arena Chapel a k a the Scrovegni Chapel 19 8 wont be on slide ID o Enrico Scrovegni was a banker considered illegal by church Naturalism the close observation of the natural world and the depiction in art of a perceptual reality Giorgio Vasari The Lives of the Artists ca 1550 links page LE VITE The Fresco Technique Buon Fresco painted on fresh wet plaster before it dries Fresco Secco painted on already dried wall Giornata the amount of wet fresco one decides to prepare an complete in one day Perspective any system to project a 3 D world onto a flat surface an interest in linear perspective re emerges in Italy in the 1300 s Secular not religious in function fig 19 14 like a city hall for example SLIDES MENTIONED IN CLASS Chapter 19 2 3 6 7 8 NOT 9 fresco 13 14 15 16 21 CHAPTER 20 Piety Passion and Politics 15th Century Art in Northern Europe and Spain EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE B 1400 1450 Manuscript Illumination sacred text plus decoration and illustration handmade one at a time a Book of Hours has text prayers Psalms linked with the appropriate hours of the day for their reading and is made for non clergy not the full Bible but the important prayers Jean duke of Berry died 1416 Dijon and the Burgundian Court modern day jail I think Oil Paint Oil Paint dries more slowly than tempera allowing the painter to lay down the pigment mixed with oil color in superimposed translucent layers First emerges in Flanders ca 1425 Will be on test Triptych a three paneled painting and altarpiece fig 20 12 Donors the patrons for a particular work of art fig 20 12 Disguised Symbolism objects are meant to signify spiritual messages ex Purity sin the brevity of life etc fig 20 12 Fig 12 16 frame is written on self portrait he does not show his hands but if it were someone else he would show them a good example of humanism Silverpoint a stylus made of silver used in drawing in the 14th and 15th centuries because of the fine line it produced and the sharp point is maintained Jan Van Eyck Orthogonal a line imagined to be behind and perpendicular to the picture plane the orthogonals in a painting appear to recede to a vanishing point Intuitive Perspective all of the lines do not lead to a consistent single vanishing point Polyptych an altarpiece made up of more than three sections fig 20 5 Grisaille a monochrome painting done mainly in neutral grays to stimulate sculpture EARLY NORTHERN RENAISSANCE c 1450 1495 Hugo Van Der Goes 20 10 15th Century Printmaking The Relief Method woodcut a wooden block on the surface of which those parts not intended to print are cut away to a slight depth leaving the design raised Also the printed impression made with such a block like a stamp The Intaglio Method engraving the process of incising a design in hard material often a metal plate usually copper also the print or impression made from such a plate a lot harder to do Martin Schongauer is one of the best at this fig 20 25 know the diff between woodcut and engraving for left right comparison I THINK THIS IS THE START OF CHAPTER 21 EARLY QUATTROCENTO ITALY b 1400 1450 Florence Baptistery Doors The 1401 Competition for a new set of doors between Filippo Brunelleschi and Lorenzo Ghiberti Ghiberti wins because they liked how he depicted the nude the flow and the foreshadowing of the angel Florence Cathedral Dome another important contest ca 1416 the original architects left the cathedral dome less because it was too large for standard methods Brunelleschi won this contest and was hired to create the dome Or San Michele not secular nor religious place for the guilds The niches were filled by different guilds from 1406 to 1423 This niche fig 21 7 was commissioned by the Linen Drapers Guild in 1411 Contrapposto body at ease Donatello fig 21 3 Single point linear perspective all orthogonals converge at a singular vanishing point First formulated by Filippo Brunelleschi ca 1422 First published in Leon Battista Alberti s text On Painting della Pittura in 1435 Fig 21 23 the first life size cast bronze nude since antiquity ca 1430 Another first for Donatello the first life size equestrian bronze since antiquity This is Early Quattrocento and 1400 1450 if shown on the slide ID section Gattamelata nickname of the condottiere Erasmo di Narni means the tabby colored cat Read the links

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