Mound builders Early and Middle Woodland Periods Eastern Agricultural Complex EAC More mixed subsistence horticulture Seeds and vegetable crops o Sumpweed sunflower maygrass gourds Gourds multi use seeds meat and storage Mound Builders 3 200 1 700 ya Ohio River Valley mounds earthworks 10 000 mounds o Early Woodland Adena Culture o Middle Woodland Hopewell culture Adeana Settlement o Early woodland 3 000 2 000 ya o Increasing sedentary Dispersed settlement groups o EAC supplemented by meat nuts Domestication Technology o Pottery o Stone tools Culture o Defining characteristics Creation of earthworks and mounds Mounds o Burials Hopwell Settlement o 2 000 1 500 ya o known for earthworks and long distance trade networks exotic goods o vacant ceremonial center model lived in dispersed farm stands mounds served as symbolic and ceremonial center Mounds o Miles or earthen and stone walls o Geometric shapes Large structures covered with mounds o Used for generations many mounds reflect long occupation o Changing traditions reflected in artifacts through time o Burials Some cremations Burial goods from far away o Great Serpent Mound Adams County Ohio Solstice ritual Art o Objects or copper mica polished stone Animal pipes Craft specialists Technology o bladelets Maize in Eastern North America Maize o Introduced 2 000 1 800 ya o Found in TN IL OH Not prevalent Not all that important in woodland period Intensification of Maize o End of middle woodland Hopwell trade and mound building ends Late woodland maize intensifies Late woodland Maize cultivated throughout eastern North America after 1 700 ya But not dietary staple until 1 000 ya o 700 ya after the introduction of maize o stable isotope analysis ratio of carbon 13 to carbon 12 in bones and teeth Transition to agriculture complex process Mesoamerica squash corn beans in highland Mexico Southwest North America Impact of agriculture varies Optimal foraging theory introduced later Local societies adapted agriculture Differently Active role by resident h g Eastern North America Mound builders domesticated local plants maize Mound builders Poverty Point LA o 3 600 3 200 ya o Beginning of mound building phase o Large concentric embankments House platforms Middens with daily life refuse Hunting points hoes fishing sinkers cooking vessels Stone from over 450 miles away
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