The Constitution John Huntington was first president Son moved to OH and was on the supreme court Articles of Confederation First constitution Kept 13 colonies together to fight G B and Win After Rev War ended Articles were ratified and cooperation of colonies ceased conducted as 13 separate countries Mentality continued until Civil War in 1861 So chaotic there was no way to deal with issues no strong central government To pass something all 13 colonies had to agree Unanimous Lack of central authority integrity was as risk New Orleans 4th largest city was captured by Spain When Law suits were filed losers would retreat to another state and they would not grievances Wanted to amend 70 men summoned to Philly met secretly end result Centured penalize reprimanded or Send them home to separate state Skeptical and doubt James Madison and Hamilton realized it would not be accepted unless it was changed Bill Of Rights First ten amendments of the constitution Changes The men in Philly realized drastic actions had to be taken in so the United states would not fall apart conquered Passed one state did not participate 55 70 showed up 39 signed and approved the document Based on Consent of the people to be governed We the people Does not use Democracy US is a Republic Nott democracy has democratic principles Democracy was a dirty word back in 1800s Elite Government o White o Male o Real estate owners First Political Party Thomas Jefferson Republic Party o Democratic republican party o Negative 1827 the republic party became the democratic party o Andrew Jackson was the leader Republic Party Today o Lincoln was the president Religious Freedom Assured Religious Wars throughout history Theocracy o Government based on religion with a head that interoperates o Iran Tibet ect 1 No Recognition of any Established Religion Superstation of church and state 2 Government has its limitations on what it can and can t do Constitution limits power Radical concept 3 Rights to the people Bill of rights Legislator powers can be vetoed by president Court interoperates constitution declare unconstitutional President has more power than under Articles 6 Leader of our country does not have the right to power perpetually 4 Creates guardians as special judges No one is above the law 5 Flexible Can be changed over time Subject to civilian control 7 No subordinate territories Everyone works together Supremacy Clause No law can conflict with the constitution Full Faith In Credit When a court and in one state have made a decision that decision can be taken anywhere else in the 50 stays and should be given enforcement respect Where ever a judgment is obtained it can be taken anywhere in the United states and be enforces Bill of Rights 1 1st Amendment a Freedom of speech i All types of communication including symbolic ii No absolute 1 Defamation a Does not protect from lying b Public officials only win if lie is done with Malice 2 Obscene Speech a Speech that appeals to the period interest that has no literary or scientific value i Sexually arousing ii Society doesn t agree with the standards 3 Speech that over throws public forum a Anything that would entice violence confusions panic iii Freedom of the Press iv Freedom of religion 1 Establishment Clause no endorsing a religion 2 Right of exercise
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