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Why is it important for human services workers in crisis evaluation to think of short term return topprevious level of functioning models It is important for human services workers in crisis evaluation to think of short term return topprevious level of functioning models because eventually crisis die out and things get better Human services workers that work in crisis evaluation need to think about short term return because they need to try to get back to normal routines and everyday life The short term return topprevious level of functioning models is good for human services workers because it lets them be active after the crisis has hit so that the plan can be implemented and people can get back on their feet Response 2 Crisis intervention has several purposes Its focus is to reduce the intensity of an individual s emotional mental physical and behavioral reactions to a crisis Another purpose is to help individuals return to their level of functioning before his or her crisis happened Functioning may be improved above and beyond this by developing new coping skills and eliminating unproductive ways of coping such as withdrawal separation and substance abuse In this way the individual is better equipped to cope with future difficulties Through talking about what happened and the feelings about what happened while developing ways to cope and solve problems crisis intervention aims to assist the individual in recovering from the crisis and to prevent serious long term problems from developing

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Assignment

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