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discuss in your team and post a single reply and an attachment in the assignments section to the following question What roles do volunteers and trained professional consultants play in provision of crisis intervention services Week 4 Learning Teams Summaries Tanya Eunice Volunteers are the back bone to any organization whether it is a food bank to a crisis intervention service It is my belief that if a volunteer offers their time to a crisis intervention services he or she has dealt with that crisis in his or her life in some way For example a man lost his brother to meth and now the man volunteers at a meth intervention service helping to educate others on what he has experienced through the process of dealing with and trying to help his brother I think most volunteers want to help in areas where they have experience and volunteers are a way for organizations to get help without having to pay someone for their time or service Volunteers can be a huge help to any crisis intervention services it is the extra body of people helping assisting with support shelter food clothing or any other help assistance needed The volunteer also help keep the client in crisis calm and help assist the trained professional Volunteers are like a second friend or family member he or she uses coping techniques to keep the client in crisis calm Trained professionals assist clients in crisis with making referrals to programs and or organizations to help the family with clothing shelter food etc Trained professionals also provide counseling and support services to help the client in crisis are able to work through the family s time of need I can remember when my house caught fire Volunteers from the Red Cross had came to the house to show support and give me referrals to organizations that help with furniture and provided me with a 600 visa card to help me with clothing and house supplies it wasn t much but it definitely helped and I was thankful to have opportunities like Red Cross there to help me Becky Volunteers play an important role in any type of services they help increase the ability to help others in need I think that volunteers offer his or her services to give back to society and help the less fortunate and offer experiences strengths and hope Crisis intervention services can be the only life line to help someone in need so having the extra people meaning volunteers can only have a positive impact on society Trained professionals can also offer counseling and support also offering even more help to those in need Brittany Volunteers play a large role in helping expand the number of people available to help In crisis intervention this is important trained counselors and volunteers can help increase the number of individuals who can be assisted in a crisis Trained professionals can be the ears and help that the citizens may need in the time of crisis Volunteers can help to get the citizens what they need to survive In the event of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana many volunteers provide help in setting up housing providing food and water and other necessities needed for families to feel comfortable Certain situations can mentally and emotionally impact citizens Trained professionals and volunteers are able to spread the help Charletta Volunteers and trained professional consultants play a vital provision of crisis intervention service Volunteers are able to assist with the people that are experiencing a crisis because they to meet and greet the individuals and gather some basic information for the people that will be handling the individuals needs If the counselor does not have to carry on small talk with the clients they are able to get to business and make sure that the individual receive the assistance they need When people are in need of a crisis intervention service most likely they are going to need comforting and need someone to finish their thought because they are distraught and not able to think straight Volunteers and trained professional consultants are very important in any profession but in crisis intervention they are extremely important because they are able to console individuals when there most vulnerable Zoila I feel volunteers play an important role generally in all social service offices as they not only gain experience but are also able to help others as well as the case flow within these offices Many volunteers offer such help to help others in need as well as to get experience that may assist them in their careers In addition some volunteers who use this as a learning experience enjoy helping others and see the reality as to some problems that are out in the real world

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UOPX BSHS 471 - Week 4 Learning Teams Summaries

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