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Exam 2 Vocabulary 1 Acquired resistance resistance that develops through mutation or acquisition of new genes a When resistance is not present but acquired through an outside source usually through other bacteria 2 Adsorption adhesion of atoms ions biomolecules or molecules of gas liquid or dissolved solids to a surface It is due to surface energy 3 Adverse effect opposite harmful effect a Effect of something that is harmful to the organism 4 Allosteric inhibition Binding of a allosteric regulator to a protein that causes a conformational change and prevents proper binding of substrate to the active site a Noncompetitive inhibition that results in a change of the active site when a regulator binds to a site away from the active site 5 Allosteric site Site of binding causing allosteric inhibition a Site on an enzyme which binds a non substrate molecule leading to a conformational change of the active site 6 Antibacterial drug antimicrobial drug that is used to treat a disease caused by bacteria same as antibiotic a Any drug that destroys or inhibits the growth of bacteria 7 Antibiotic special class of antimicrobial chemicals that can be ingested and used for treatment of disease a compound that is naturally produced by certain molds and bacteria that inhibits the growth of or kills other microorganisms same as antibacterial agent a A substance produced by using microorganisms Destroys or inhibits the growth of other microorganisms Antimicrobial used inside the body 8 Antibiotic antagonism when antibiotics end up working against each other Ex Antibiotic 1 shuts down transport but you need Antibiotic 2 transported in These won t work well a Dual administration of antibiotics has less effect one antibiotic weakens the effect of the other than if they were administered individually 9 Antibiotic synergy sum of two antibiotics is greater than the action of each Ex Antibiotic for Protein Synthesis Antibiotic for Transport Better treatment activity than just an individual antibiotic a Increases the effectiveness of the antibiotic 10 Anticodon Portion 3 base sequence of tRNA molecule that is complementary to a codon on mRNA 11 Antimicrobial agent chemotherapeutic agent used to treat microbial infection a chemical that inhibits prevents the growth of micro bacteriostatic or kills micro bactericidal microorganisms This term encompasses antibiotics and chemically synthesized drugs 12 Antiparallel Direction of DNA strands 3 to 5 and 5 to 3 a In relation to DNA one strand goes in 5 3 direction of the complementary strand in 3 5 13 Antiviral drug a drug that interferes with the replication of viruses All antiviral drugs are chemically synthesized none are antibiotics a Drugs used specifically to treat for viral infections 14 Assembly fourth stage of the lytic replication cycle in which new virions are assembled in the host cell 15 Attachment First stage of the lytic replication cycle in which the virion attaches to the host cell a Particular loci in both bacterial and phage DNA molecules at which phage DNA is integrated into bacterial DNA by recombination between these 2 sites b Bacteriophage attaches to normal receptor protein on surface of bacteria meant for different substrate 16 Bactericidal drug an antimicrobial drug that kills bacteria to treat bacterial infection 17 Bacteriolytic drug an antimicrobial drug that causes cells to lyse and release their bacteria guts inside of you This is bad These are antibiotics we don t really want to use unless your only other option is death a Kills by lysing the cell 18 Bacteriophage aka phage Virus that infects and usually destroys bacterial cells obligate parasites of host cells a Virus that infects bacteria and multiplies using the bacteria 19 Bacteriostatic drug antimicrobial chemical that inhibits the growth of bacteria 20 Base molecule that binds with hydrogen ions when dissolved in water a Unique phosphate group A G C T 21 Base Pair a complementary arrangement of nucleotides in a strand of DNA or RNA a Complementary bases pair with each other through hydrogen bonding A T C G 22 Biological half life the time it takes for the concentration of antibiotics to decrease by half go from 1X to 0 5X a Time it takes for a substance to lose half of its pharmological physiological or radiological activity 23 Biotechnology Branch of microbiology in which microbes are manipulated to manufacture useful products a Applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and bioprocesses in engineering 24 Broad spectrum antibiotics Antimicrobial that works against many different kinds of pathogens a Antibiotics with activity against wide range of disease causing bacteria b Narrow spectrum antibiotics Antimicrobial with effectiveness against a limited range of microorganisms i Targeting a particular kind of bacteria 25 Broth dilution test Test for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration in which a standardized amount of bacteria is added to serial dilutions of antimicrobial agents in tubes or wells containing broth a Standard method of determining levels of resistance to antibiotic lowest highest dilution 27 Capsid protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid core of a virion form taken by a virus when it is outside living 26 Burst size Difference between peak and starting amounts of viral particles a Number of phages produced released by a phage infected b Bacteria phage bacteria phages bacteria cells and capable of causing infection a Protein cell of a virus sulfur b The outer coat of protein that surround a virus particle 28 Capsomere proteinaceous structural subunit of a capsid One of the individual protein units that make up the outer coat capsid of a virus 29 cDNA DNA synthesized from an mRNA template using reverse transcriptase a complementary DNA synthesized from a mature mRNA template in a reaction catalyzed by enzyme reverse transcriptase and enzyme DNA polymerase it would not have introns when cloning own gene in protein 30 Central dogma of molecular biology DNA RNA protein Fundamental description of protein synthesis which states that genetic information is transferred from DNA to RNA to polypeptides which function alone or in conjunction as proteins a DNA transcribed mRNA translated protein 31 Chemotherapeutic agent Chemical used to treat disease Examples insulin anticancer drugs and drugs for treating infections same as antimicrobial agents a Positions used to fight cancer because cancer cells are young and vulnerable 32 Chronic infection an

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UMD BSCI 223 - Exam 2 Vocabulary

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