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ITM 309 Spring 2013 Exam Two Topics Review Outline March 20 2013 Ethics and Information Security Chapter 4 Business Ethics Ethics The principles and standards that guide our behavior toward other people Information Ethics Govern the ethical and moral issues arising from the development and use of information technologies as well as the creation collection duplication distribution and processing of information itself HONOR CODE Intellectual property copyright pirated software counterfeit software Confidentiality The assurance that messages and information are available o Professional Values and Standards Integrity Respect Continuous Improvement o Code Violations o Amendments only to those who are authorized to view them BW Ethics 101 for Interns context and key points Take personal responsibility for integrity Practice good records management Privacy intellectual property and security Intern rights and working conditions Consumer Protection Health safety environment protection Information Management Policies 6 example policies Epolicies o Ethical computer use policy o Information privacy policy o Acceptable use policy o Email privacy policy o Social media policy o Workplace monitoring policy Security Management Planning and Lines of Defense Information Security The protection of information and from accidental or intentional misuse by persons inside or outside and organization Downtime Refers to a period of time when a system is unavailable Lack of Security High risk low cost open access no productivity loss Overly Restrictive Security High cost low risk restrictive access productivity loss ex mc vs pc commercial too much security low productivity Optimal Balance of security and Productivity Balanced risk and costs restrictiveness of security policy balanced by people s acceptance of those policies First Line of Defense People Develop information security plans and policies Insiders misusing internet purposely not purposely 38 of security problems happen within a company o Policies Identifying rules to maintain information security ex don t o Plan details for the organization or how to implement policies ex leave past work out training monitoring Second Line of Defense Technology 100 billion dollars spent on IT security Security Measures Methods and Tools Encryption scrambling info Content Filtering what info is leaving coming into my company Firewalls guards own private company Primary IT Security Areas 1 Authentication Authorization Authentication A method for confirming uses identities most common but also most ineffective Authorization The process of giving someone permission to do or have something o Most secure types of authentication Something that the user knows has ex smart card or part of the user ex biometrics 2 Prevention Resistance Downtime can cost 100 to 1 million per hour Content filing encryption firewalls Anti virus spending can be up to 66 million dollars 3 Detection Response If you are already infected Intrusion detection software features full time monitoring tools that search for patterns in network traffic to identify intruders Infrastructures Chapter 5 Business Benefits of a Solid MIS Infrastructure MIS Infrastructure Includes the plans for how a firm will build deploy use and share its data processes and MIS assets ex hardware software network client server Benefits o Supporting operations informative o Supporting change agility o Supporting the environment sustainability Supporting Operations Information Backup and recovery plan Disaster recovery plan a detailed process for recovering information or an IT system in the event of a catastrophic disaster such as a fire or flood Business continuity plan BCP A plan for how an organization will recover and restore partially or completely interrupted critical function s within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption ex emergency notification services Supporting Change Agile Key characteristics of an agile MIS Infrastructure accessibility availability maintainability portability reliability scalability usability Supporting Environment Sustainable Sustainable or green MIS production management use and disposable of technology in a way that minimizes damage to the environment Corporate Social Responsibility companies acknowledged responsibility to society 3 primary side affects of business expanded use of technology 1 2 3 Increased electronic waste Increased energy consumptions Increased carbon emissions Grid lose and virtualized computing components of a sustainable MIS infrastructure Moore s Law every 18 months Moore s Law Refers to the computer chip performance per dollar double Can acquire large amounts of MIS equipment for cheaper and cheaper costs Sustainable MIS Disposal safe disposal of MIS assets at the end of their life cycle Ewastes doesn t end up in landfills causing environmental issues Cloud Computing business value video Refers to the use and resources and applications hosted remotely on the internet Layers of cloud computing o Infrastructure as a service offers computer hardware and networking equipment on a pay per use basis o Software as a service offers applications on a pay per use basis o Platform as a service offers hardware networking and applications on a pay per use basis Cloud hosting benefits o Higher availability greater reliability improved accessibility o Flexibility scalability cost efficient Data Business Intelligence Chapter 6 Zillow Case and Class Discussion Real Estate and mortgage information covers 90 million homes which is 95 of homes in the US Recalculates home value information everyday for accuracy Incorporates many other websites for mortgages good use of data mining Finding something that everyone needed and turned it into a useable website Uses a data driven website to assist with less error and store LARGE amounts of information 5 common characteristics of high quality information 1 Accurate 2 Complete 3 Consistent 4 Unique 5 Timely Foundation Data Concepts levels of information logical data elements hierarchy implied Levels of data Character and Field Records Related fields with attributes and length Files Grouping of records with classification Database o Integrated collection of logically related data elements o Consolidates records into common pool of data elements o Data is independent of application program and storage devices Database Fundamentals and Advantages Maintains information about various types of objects inventory events

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MSU ITM 309 - Exam Two Topics: Review Outline

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