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PHIL 180 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY First Examination Study Guide Complete the following essay Be sure to address all parts of the essay The BEST exams will be well argued deep thoughtful and will demonstrate a firm command of the relevant reading material as well as familiarity with class lectures and discussions on the topic Do your own work and cite outside sources including all material taken off the web Keep track of time and good luck After referring to Socrates to explain what it means to be a philosopher critically discuss the merits and shortcomings of being like Socrates to argue either that we should or should not aspire to be like Socrates Your argument must have depth and your essay must draw on both the Euthyphro and the Republic Remember you will need to present a thesis and an argument for that thesis as well as defend your view against one possible objection Second Examination Study Guide Complete the following essay Be sure to address all parts of the essay The BEST exams will be well argued deep thoughtful and will demonstrate a firm command of the relevant reading material as well as familiarity with class lectures and discussions on the topic Do your own work and cite outside sources including ALL material taken off the web Keep track of time and good luck Essay Essay Which of the following three philosophers Hobbes Locke or Rousseau provides the most convincing account of what the life of human beings would be like in the state of nature i e in the absence of a common political authority to rule them Select only one perspective to defend but draw on at least TWO thinkers throughout your essay Remember you will need to present a thesis and an argument for that thesis as well as defend your view against ONE possible objection Third Examination Study Guide Write an essay on ONE and only one of the following essay prompts Be sure to address all parts of the essay The BEST exams will be well argued deep thoughtful and will demonstrate a firm command of the relevant reading material as well as familiarity with class lectures and discussions on the topic Do your own work and cite outside sources including ALL material taken off the web Keep track of time and good luck Essay 1 Should the government censor information disseminated by media producers Use either Plato or Mill to support your view Present an objection against your view developed from the view of the thinker not used to bolster your own view Lastly defend your view against that objection 2 Do journalists have a responsibility to present information to democratic citizens in ways that best enables individuals to participate civically effectively i e deliberate vote and express feedback Use either the libertarian theory or the social responsibility theory to support your view Present an objection against your view developed from the theory not used to bolster your own view Lastly defend your view against that objection 3 Is it problematic that media producers include racial stereotypes in media content Use any theory or view that we have discussed this semester to support your view Present an objection against your view developed from another theory or view not used to bolster your own view Lastly defend your view against that objection

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KU PHIL 180 - First Examination Study Guide

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