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History 1001 Final Exam Study Guide Transformation of the Mediterranean World Greeks Germans and Mus lims Germanic Migrations and the Fall of Rome I Constantine Christianity and the Germanic Migrations II Formation of Christendom III The Byzantine Empire IV The Islamic World A Geography and pre Islamic Culture B Muhammad and the birth of Islam C The Caliphs and the spread of Islam Tetrarchy Four man rule Created by Diocletian Four tetrarchs Augustus of the East Augustus of the West each chose a second in command Caesar East Caesar West Diocletian 284 305 Military leader who worked his way up the ladder and eventually become emperor Wanted reform on the troubles plaguing the empire military and its people Last of the Barracks Emperors restored the Roman Empire s unity and stability Preserved the empire for another century despite the confusion caused by the squabbling over the throne in 235 285 but at the cost of many aspects of its tradi tional life Divided the empire into sections tetrarchy He served as Augustus of the East Constantine 306 337 Diocletian s successor Encouraged the spread of Christianity with lavish empirical patronage Early Christian historians claim that he was converted after he saw a vision that promised him victory in a battle that won him the western half of the empire Milvian Bridge 312 Battle between Constantine and Maxentius that Constantine won Constantine displayed the chi rho on his mens shields Maxentius Constantine s brother in law son of former emperor Maximian Rival to Constantine wanted to inherit all of the power Chi rho Cross First letters of Christ s name in Greek Edict of Milan 313 Stated that all religions would be tolerated Christians who had lost property in the persecution would be compensated 1 History 1001 Final Exam Study Guide God of Christianity would still be the number 1 Did not make Constantine or his empire 100 Christian Council of Nicaea 325 Constantine invited all the bishops of the empire to a council in the city of Nicaea and ordered them to resolve their doctrinal disputes especially regarding the trin ity Nicene creed was drafted Constantinople Capitol of Rome built by Constantine Modeled after Rome but had churches in place of pagan temples Hagia Sophia Built by Constantine in Constantinople St Peters Also built paid for by Constantine Holy Sepulcher Jerusalem Built by Constantine as two churches connected two holy sights Christ s tomb Golgotha Visigoths West goths Fled to Rome to beg permission to enter the empire to flee from the Huns after the Ostrogoths had already been subdued 80 000 people show up and and are allowed to enter Soon faced starvation and were infuriated by Roman profiteers who tried to exploit Battle of Adrianople in 378 Visigoths were fed up they had an uprising and de manded land The Roman emperor was killed in battle Romans retreat in fear but the Visigoths send an apology letter All they wanted was land to settle in but in stead of settling down they remained nomadic always moving around the Roman empire Huns From Mongolia Moved west and attacked the Ostrogoths in the mid fourth cen them tury 410 Sack of Rome Visigoths attack and pillage Rome for 3 whole days The city was already no longer the seat of the western empire but this was a sig nificant blow to the morale of the ancient world 2 History 1001 Final Exam Study Guide Visigoths left all of the churches alone Attila 434 453 King of the Huns who led his people to march on Gaul Was forced to retreat by a Roman general and his German allies Romulus Augustulus 475 476 Last Roman emperor 15 year old boy named for Rome Deposed in 476 but this isn t a very meaningful date in Professor Dietz opinion all of the power in the Roman empire is in the East and Augustulus was in Con stantinople so he didn t have much anyway Justinian 527 565 Changed Roman law so he could marry Theodora an actress together they ruled Believed it was his duty to recover the western territories that had been lost to the Launched three main attacks to try to accomplish this North Africa was easiest Italy was more difficult but Spain was the most prob as a team Germans lematic Nika riots Happened over the course of a week in Constantinople in 532 AD Chariot races were still going on in the Hippodrome blues vs greens crazy ten sion between rivals The anger turned from blue vs green to everyone vs Justinian the people went crazy and started destroying the whole city burned for 9 days Theodora convinces Justinian to stay and make a stand Plan to tell everyone that Justinian will forgive them for the riots and not hold them guilty and that they can all return to the hippodrome to re do the race The rioters agree but Justinian has them all slaughtered 30 000 people total Rebuilds Hagia Sophia because it had been destroyed it later gets converted to a mosque destructive Bedouins Persians Justinian dies and the empire is out of money so the Persians start raiding very Damascus and Syria are taken over Jerusalem is taken in 614 and Egypt in 619 Heraclius 610 641 Military leader appointed emperor for Jerusalem Takes back the cross that the Persians took in the raid Creates a coin with his son on it to state that his son will take over once he s dead 3 History 1001 Final Exam Study Guide Primitive nomads that inhabited the Arabian peninsula Mecca Religious center of Islamic community Family that controlled Mecca was the most powerful family Medina City of the Prophet but not really a city instead a 20 square mile patch of arable land inhabited by tribes of Arabs and Jews Had lots of disputes Muhammad gained a reputation for being fair and just so people started to bring He unites different tribes within the Arabian peninsula politically before returning their quarrels to him to Mecca in 630 Ka ba cube Sacred rectangular stone building of ancient but uncertain origins in Mecca Muhammad 570 632 Highly Praised Began having revelations at age 40 from Allah formed Islam Allah God in Arabic Qur an Sacred book The Recitation of Muhammad Islam Established in 610 by Muhammad would eventually create an empire larger than Rome s Monotheistic Muslims Followers of Allah Musa Moses freed Jews from captivity in Egypt Isa Jesus son of Maryam in Greek for the tribe of the Christians Five Pillars of Islam Zakat charity tax Ramadan fasting during daylight hours Hajj yearly pilgrimage to Mecca to the Ka ba temple in the center as well as other religious sites 4 History 1001 Final Exam Study Guide Salat

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LSU HIST 1001 - Transformation of the Mediterranean World

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