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BIO 1012 Study Guide Chapters 1 9 Chapter 1 Properties of Life 7 o Order o Reproduction o Growth Development o Energy Processing o Response to the environment o Regulation o Evolutionary Adaptation o Biosphere Ecosystem Community Population Organism Organ System Organ Biological Organization largest to smallest Tissue Cell Organelle Molecule Prokaryotic cells o First to evolve o More simple o Usually Smaller o Include bacteria most widespread and diverse and archaea in extreme environments Eukaryotic Cells o Membrane bound organelles o Nucleus containing DNA o Found in plants animals and fungi Genes unit of inheritance that transmits information from parent to offspring o Consist of DNA and control cell activity Charles Darwin o Publish the book On the Origin of Species o Developed the idea of natural selection survival of the fittest Evolutionary adaptation caused by favorable traits being passed on to future generations Inductive reasoning draw general conclusions from many observations Deductive reasoning logical flows from general premises to specific results to be expected based on hypotheses Theory o Must broader than hypothesis o General enough to generate many new specific hypotheses which can be tested o Supported by large and growing body of evidence Chapter 2 Matter anything that occupies space and has mass weight composed of elements Elements substance that cannot be broken down any smaller Atom smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of an element o 3 subatomic particle Protons positive Electrons negative Neutrons neutral o Neutrons and protons in nucleus electrons orbit o Atomic number number of protons o Mass number sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus o Atomic mass approximately equal to mass number Isotope of an element same number of protons different number of neutrons o Radioactive isotopes nucleus decays spontaneously Compound substance consisting of 2 or more different elements in a fixed ratio 4 elements that make up 96 of most living organisms oxygen carbon hydrogen and nitrogen o Other 4 made up of essential trace elements Chemical bonds o Covalent bond strongest 2 atoms share one or more outer shell electrons Two or more atoms held together by covalent bond molecule Electronegativity attraction pull for shared electrons electronegativity stronger pull Nonpolar covalent bonds In molecules of only 1 element the pull toward each atom is equal because each atom has the same electronegativity Polar covalent bonds Atoms with different electronegativities cause shared electrons to pull more towards one direction Example water o Ionic bond Attraction between 2 oppositely charged ions holds them together Example Salt o Hydrogen bond weakest Partial positive charge of hydrogen holds molecules together Give water a greater ability to resist temperature change compared to other liquids Ion atom or molecule with an electrical charge resulting from gain or loss of electrons o Electron lost positive charge o Electron gain negative charge In a chemical reaction reactants form the product matter is not created or destroyed only rearranged Adhesion tendency of 2 kinds of molecules to stick together Cohesion tendency of molecule of the same kind to stick together o Plants depend upon it to help transport water and nutrients from roots to leaves o Related to surface tension how difficult it is to break the surface of a liquid High surface tension for water due to hydrogen bonds Heat energy associated with movement of atoms and molecules in matter o Released when hydrogen bonds form o Must be absorbed to break hydrogen bonds Temperature measures intensity of heat Solution liquid consisting of a uniform mixture of two or more substances o Solvent dissolving agent o Solute substance being dissolved o Aqueous solution one in which water is the solvent Acid compound that releases H to a solution Base compound that accepts H pH scale measure of how acidic or basic a solution is 0 14 o 0 acidic o 14 basic Chapter 3 Buffer substance that minimizes changes in pH o Accept H when in excess and donate H when depleted Organic compounds carbon based molecules o Unique properties that depend upon size shape of molecule and group of atoms attached to it o Example Methane CH4 Carbon can bond to 4 other atoms and branch in up to 4 directions Isomer compounds with the same formula but different structural arrangements Functional group affects a biological molecule s function in a characteristic way o Compounds containing functional groups are hydrophilic water loving 5 functional groups o Hydroxyl group hydrogen bonded to an oxygen o Carbonyl group carbon linked by double bond to oxygen atom o Carboxyl group carbon double bonded to both an oxygen and a hydroxyl group o Amino group nitrogen bonded to 2 hydrogen atoms and the carbon skeleton o Phosphate group phosphorus atom bonded to 4 oxygen atoms Dehydration reactions remove water Hydrolysis addition of water Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in cells Monomers are the building blocks of polymers Macromolecules large molecules that make up the 4 classes of biological molecules 4 classes of molecules important to organisms o Carbohydrates Range from small sugar molecules monomers to large polysaccharides Simplest monosaccharides main fuels for cellular work Polysaccharides include starch glycogen and chitin o Proteins o Lipids Composed of differing arrangements of a common set of just 20 amino acid monomers Amino acids amino group carboxyl group Joined together by peptide bonds Specific function determined by its shape 4 levels of structure Primary unique amino acid sequence Secondary results from coiling or folding of the polypeptide Tertiary overall three dimensional shape of a polypeptide Quaternary 2 or more polypeptide chains subunits Water insoluble compounds hydrophobic water fearing Important in long term energy storage Mainly carbon and hydrogen atoms linked by nonpolar covalent bonds 3 types fats phospholipids and steroids Unsaturated fatty acids one fewer hydrogen atom on each carbon of the double bond Saturated fatty acids fats with maximum number of hydrogens o Nucleic Acids Example DNA Chapter 4 Light microscopes and electron microscopes more powerful used to study cells Scanning electron microscopes studied detailed architecture of cell surfaces Transmission electron microscopes used to study detail of internal cell structure Plasma membrane flexible boundary between living cell and its surroundings o

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TEMPLE BIOL 1012 - Study Guide Chapters 1-9

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