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3770 review Premack principle high frequency behaviors can reinforce low frequency behaviors Backward chaining the teaching of a behavior chain begins with the last behavior of the sequence and ends with the first Behavioral shaping the differential reinforcement of successive approximations to a terminal behavior Chaining the name for procedures linking behaviors in a sequence Concept formation generalization within a class of stimuli and discrimination between classes of stimuli Behavior chain a sequence of responses in which one response produces the conditions necessary to the next Differential reinforcement reinforcement which is contingent upon the occurrence of specific response properties specific stimulus properties Discriminative stimulus a stimulus in the presence of which a response is reinforced Forward chaining chain begins with first behavior and ends with the last Opportunity to respond presentation of the stimulus conditions constituting the occasion for the target response Discrimination control by a particular stimulus class Response differentiation changes in the properties of the response topography duration location Stimulus control behavior under the differential control of an antecedent stimulus Successive approximation any behavior that is an intermediate value of the terminal behavior Task analysis breaking a complex skill into small units Total task presentation the whole chain is trained from beginning to end in every presentation Errorless learning the transfer of stimulus control with minimal error production Fading gradual change of the intensity of a prompt Graduated guidance the teacher provides a physical prompt only when needed and it is faded immediately after a correct Least to most prompting greater degrees of assistance over time Most to least prompting starts with complete assistance and gradually reduces Stimulus shaping gradual change of topography of prompt towards the criterion stimulus control Preattending skills behaviors that result in the appropriate contact the discriminatinve stimulus Simultaneous discrimination a procedure that consists of presentation of SD and S deltas Response prompts supplementary stimuli to guide the student to emit the correct response Stimulus prompts supplementary brings student under correct stimulus control Successive discrimination a procedure that consists of the sequential presentation of the SD and other stimuli Time delay delaying the presentation of the prompt after the natural stimulus is presented Transfer of stimulus control the change of stimulus control from supplementary to natural

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UNT BEHV 3200 - Lecture Note

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