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Exam 3 Notes 10 7 13 Lecture 18 Topic 9 Energy Conversion NO O2 By Animals and Plants Anaerobic Respiration 1 lack O2 no ETS etc death why no glycolysis TCA input outputs for glc TCA ETS no O2 no ATP 2 anaerobic respiration glycolysis ATP 2 types functions products 3 Occurrence unicellular small Human Beans ATP needs stopgap measure Daily Question What are the sources of these major reactants for glycolysis and the TCA cycle NAD FAD ADP P the FAD and NAD come from the ETS gets is electrons from NADH leftover is FAD and NAD go right by to the TCA cycle a little bit goes to glycolysis all this is happening to make ATP No Oxygen Little tiny organism often live in the soil and the soil is completely wet and oxygen cannot get through the water anaerobic conditions no oxygen never get any oxygen A large organism needs 500 lbs of ATP a day cannot get without oxygen Occasionally certain parts of the organism sometimes temporarily have no oxygen Only parts of the body that can go through anaerobic conditions are ones that occasionally but frequently go through it muscles a lot of mitochondria use a lot of oxygen only a have a lot of mitochondria and capillaries if you work out a lot Plants roots after a heavy rain oxygen is not available can quite easily undergo anaerobic respiration First thing that happens without oxygen ETS stops no proton gradient no ATP production If the ETS isn t running then there is no NAD and no FAD no glycolysis no TCA Everything shuts down without oxygen Anaerobic Respiration Glycolysis makes a tiny amount of ATP a lb Occurs in cytosol Glycolysis is sugar going to 2 pyruvates See diagram All is enough to keep alive not much but just enough Small organism can live off this amount of ATP Only muscles and plant roots alive for a very short time Most animals tend to prefer the lactic acid most plants prefer ethanol Fish that grows in the water in Antarctica undergoes anaerobic respiration making ethanol even though it has plenty of oxygen the ethanol keeps it from freezing Roots of plants in marshes and swamps never get oxygen they cant survive on anaerobic respiration like Styrofoam full of air Aerenchyma tissues allows oxygen to move form the leaves down to the roots that are under water very easily moved 10 8 13 Lecture 19 Topic 9 energy Conversion NO O2 by Animals and Plants Anaerobic Respiration 1 Occurrence unicellular small Human Beans ATP needs stopgap measure 2 Plants constant no O2 no anaerobic structural adaption herbs trees Pasture Effect Daily News The speeding up of the glycolysis plus the extra steps Large concentrations of CO2 every plant animal and person died did not die directly from CO2 CO2 outweighed the oxygen so that is why people died 1 700 people died 3 000 cattle Sugar to two pyruvates 2NAD 2NADH 2 pyruvates makes ethanol 2CO2 or 2 lactic acids these are important because you need to NADH to go back to 2NAD this allows glycolysis to occur this makes 2 ATPS for every sugar no animals that live in anaerobic conditions big animals plants live under anaerobic conditions arenchyma spongy tissue through which oxygen can easily move goes all the way down the leaf to the roots so roots can have an oxygen supply Mangroves have their roots down in the mud underneath the entire mood totally anaerobic conditions usually salty waters Pneumatophores special vegetation roots completely under water mangroves woody tissues same function as arenchyma just different material Cyprus Trees the knees sticks out of the water woody structures that are attached to the root the root is under anaerobic conditions found no oxygen uptake Topic 10 Movement Of Sugars in Animals 1 unicellular small mostly diffusion large circulatory systems 2 types 2 3 open circ system small arthropods operation blood liquid Tiny organism rely on diffusion throughout their body no transport mechanism Circulatory System two types opened and closed heart and system of vessels Open Circulatory System heart short small number of vessels not good for large animals works fine for arthropods insects spiders crustations when the heart fills with blood like liquid it contracts and it squirts the liquid out of the major vessel comes out of the system the liquid fills all the spaces between the organs baths all the organs and baths all the muscles liquid has a lot of sugar in it liver does not sugar will leave the blood like liquid and go into the liver same for all parts blood like liquid is not actual blood this liquid has no cells true blood has cells true blood moves sugar and oxygen this liquid only moves sugar this liquid is called Hemolymph windshield of a car hemolymph splattered everywhere major limitation in the evolution of arthropods primary disadvantage the delivery and pick up of sugar is completely random it is extremely cheap you do not need many vessels because it is not delivering it is just shooting liquid all over can get away with a really weak heart Closed Circulatory System 10 11 13 Daily Question Based solely on our last lecture what are four differences between a cockroach s hemolymph and our blood different color no cells only moves sugar doesn t move in vessels very inefficient way to deliver sugar that s why beetles or spiders can t get as big as us Advantages of closed circulatory allows control to where blood goes through vessels extensive intertwined vessels high tuned control of over which vessels deliver blood EX when running blood flow is more directed to the legs than the arms every cells in the body is guaranteed to receive blood Disadvantage guaranteed deliver to every single cell 1 trillion that huge extensive vessel network it requires lots of ATP and energy heart has to be VERY large and powerful BLOOD never leaves the circulatory system always in heart or the vessels even when we get tiny little paper cuts the blood comes from vessels which is incredibly extensive by volume blood is cells and liquid plasma three kinds of cells 1 Red blood cells carry the gases deliver oxygen and pick up CO2 from mitochondrial matrixes 2 White blood cells immune response system attacking foreign invading objects 3 Platelets clotting keeps the blood in the vessel system can be dangerous if there is a rip and blood is leaking within the body liquid 90 is water 10 is solutes chemicals dissolved in the water including sugar minerals vitamins hormones sugar VESSEL SYSTEM o arteries large vessels o large in diameter and walls are made of muscles so they can control where the

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