1 2 19 13 Media Persuasion How to be Think Professional Online and Face to Face Does What You Do Online Really Matter 2 3rds of Americans don t think that they do online has ever impacted their chances of getting a job admission to college etc Your online branding your online reputation Real Impact 70 of employers say that candidates have lost opportunities because of online reputations 85 of employers say that online reputations have had positive impact on candidates application Social media social networks Social personal professional How do you go from using social media for personal purposes to professional ones Step 1 Actively build your brand Who am I online o Google yourself Check your privacy settings Begin to manage your online identity Create your own personal webpage Personal Webpage Essentials Contact info Links to all online content 70 of jobs have been found through professional networking About page resume in PDF HTML format LinkedIn 80 of companies using social media for recruitment Identify your goals skills experience Start and manage your profile Granovetter s Strength of Weak Ties Strong ties family close friends Weak ties acquaintances friends of friends Reach Out 1 Research your primary contacts 2 Ask primary contact for introduction 3 Email secondary contact for advice 4 Ask for informational interview Rules to Remember about Social Media Everything is potentially public Be active no excuse for being passive Be professional and courteous not informal Make it easy to contact you 2 Interpersonal persuasion Anatomy of a Job Interview Social Media is New but Networking is Not Learn the norms Be ambitious Put yourself out there Ask good questions Give favors so that you can ask for them Follow up Be interesting Be Think Professional We are all involved in personal sales Rolf Anderson s Model of Personal Selling Prospecting and qualifying Planning the sales call Approaching the prospect Negotiating resistance objections Closing the sale Servicing the account The Interview as Persuasion Sales presentation Interviewing is formal with rules Interviewing is often face to face Do your research Know your interviewer s Anticipate face to face mode of interaction Kinesics nonverbal cues eye contact bodily posture facial expressions Prepare your message The Interview Process Interview preparation The Opening Question Answer period o Open questions and closed questions o Primary and secondary questions o Behavioral questions Don t forget your nonverbal cues What if they offer me a job on the spot Closing Follow up o Counter offer come back with something else What if I am rejected future What if they ask me about personal stuff o Cannot hire and fire based on marital status o Make it very professional good opportunity to connect with them in the 3 2 21 13 Alex Cook You can potentially reach everyone Passionate about something Creators collaborators communicators community cultural compulsion to create Also to curate Avatar image that represents you Do not carefully assemble put who you are Your message is something that someone understands makes them curious Stand by what you put up there 2 26 13 Social Implications of Media What happens when we live our lives online What happens when our identity is a brand Shifting Notions of Digital Relationships Back in the 1990 s Became commercial Pessimists dystopians Optimists Utopians And today o Socializing online depression incivility isolation forget real life o Socializing online more connections truer selves o Media multiplicity move smoothly through different social networks carry it around not stuck in one place o Turkle But what does that look like What norms are changing Technologies have logics and tendencies As a society we create social practices to adapt to those logics We have to decide if we really want what we get This involves trade offs Technologies Have Logics Web 1 0 o Email point to point asynchronous communication o Home pages static websites designed by someone else o Chat rooms message boards PLACES Web 2 0 o Social media prosumer we consume AND create content o Mobile and real time updates and interactivity o Tweets text are on the go STREAMS New Practices and Social Realities Ambient awareness o Being tethered is a double edged connection o On demand sociality brings Soft Tyranny o You get caught in the web 4 Study at Univ of Maryland an experiment 200 students abstained from any media digital etch for 24 hours Blog about successes Terms used included being bored not knowing about unfolding current events and hates losing personal connections going without media meant going without their friends and family Turkle We become people who are constantly waiting to be interrupted Conley sense that life is being lived elsewhere Facebook friends list o Limitless o Non hierarchical o No boundaries Flattens relationships to one dimension Prepackaged mode of relating Before Now o Consuming o Relating o Interacting o Sharing o Blending of relating consuming interacting sharing o But is it frictionless blending Challenging questions o Have our technologies become humanized OR o Have our relationships become commodified o Haven t we already been this way Is this really that new Dalton Conley Urban Zombies Trade Offs o We are close to those who are far away and far away from those who o What happens to the value of public spaces What happens to public are close by civility 2 28 13 Politics Social Change in the Digital Age The Transformation of Political Persuasion Changes in media changes in politics Impact on political debate Lincoln Douglass Debates Kennedy Nixon debate 1960 first debate on TV The Professionalization of Politics o Volunteers political consultants Adoption of public opinion polling and commercial strategies Unintended Consequences Citizens become spectators of politics rather than active participants 5 Citizens become cynical of political process Then the Internet The Internet Political Communication Unique qualities o Speed of transmission o Decentralized structure o Scale The Internet Political Campaigns Howard Dean in Campaign 2004 Mgr Joe Trippi Fundraising Mobilization Campaign 2012 o Big data o Field experiments o Facebook and Twitter Shirky New Realities Campaign 2008 o YouTube o Social networking sites MySpace Facebook It s no longer about one to many broadcasting it s about many to many communication What matters is the back channel Organizations need to let go of control and be ready to be
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