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Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders Perspectives on Psychological Disorders Defining Psychological Disorders o Psychological Disorders are deviant distressful and dysfunctional Variation over place and time Classifying Psychological Disorders patterns of thoughts feelings or actions that o Diagnose in order to describe disorder predict progression apply appropriate treatment o Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 Published in May 2013 Allow for consistency of diagnosis between clinicians Criticism of over diagnosis too many disorders Warns to be careful that symptoms don t have organic cause e g hypothyroidism can cause depressive symptoms Gives prevalence rates for disorders Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Anxiety Disorder general state of apprehension or tension persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety of worry dread apprehension difficulty concentrating and motor tension psychological disorder characterized by distressing continuous state of anxiety marked by feelings Generalized Anxiety Disorder o No physical causes drug coffee o Genes amygdala abnormalities prefrontal cortex o Historical inability to control environment Panic Disorder o Recurring panic attacks periods of intense fear and feelings of impending doom or death o Physiological symptoms rapid heart rate dizziness o Usually occur after stressful or frightening event although not always immediately after Fears and Phobias o Phobia exaggerated unrealistic of specific situation activity or object Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD recurrent persistent unwished for thoughts or images obsessions and repetitive ritualized behaviors to avoid disaster compulsions o Most often present teenagers and young adults Post traumatic Stress Disorder Post traumatic Stress Disorder o Symptoms Haunting memories Nightmares Social withdrawal Jumpy anxiety Insomnia o Factors impacting PTSD Frequency of assault Genetic predisposition Sensitive limbic system floods body with stress hormones o Most people do not get PTSD after a trauma o Post traumatic Growth struggling with challenging circumstance and life crises positive psychological changes as a result of Mood Disorders Mood Disorders extremes are not caused by drugs or medical conditions Major Depressive Disorder psychological disorders characterized by emotional signs of depression last two weeks or more and Signs of Depression o Lethargy and fatigue o Feelings of worthlessness feeling like your life is worth nothing o Loss of interest in family friends o Loss of interest in activities o Changes in sleep and appetite o Difficulty thinking and concentrating o Thoughts of death or suicide Major Depression o Link to suicide o In a year 5 8 of mean and 9 5 of women report depression worldwide Bipolar Disorder formerly manic depressive disorder o Alternation between depression and mania o Cyclothemia swings milder form of bipolar disorder with less severe mood Often misdiagnosed as depression Schizophrenia group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and Schizophrenia delusional thinking disturbed perceptions and inappropriate emotions and behaviors o A type of psychosis psychological disorder in which a person loses contact with reality experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions Symptoms o Bizarre delusions o Hallucinations see hear smell or taste things that aren t actually present You think you have more power then you do you think someone s out to get you you think street signs are trying to tell you something specifically o Disorganized incoherent speech word salad words don t make sense o Grossly disorganized inappropriate behavior extremely disorganized laughing when something sad happens biting people etc o Impaired cognitive abilities difficulty concentrating and reasoning o Positive Symptoms the presence of inappropriate behaviors hallucinations disorganized or delusional talking expressionless faces rigid bodies o Negative Symptoms the absence of appropriate behaviors o Early symptoms but full blown psychosis in late adolescence early Genetic predisposition tends to run in families Origins adulthood Prenatal problems Biological events in adolescence Dissociative Identity Disorder Formerly multiple personality disorder Apparent appearance within one person of 2 or more distinct personalities each with own name and traits Way of dealing with trauma Criticism clinicians create the alter Eating Disorders or guilt Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge eating Disorder Personality Disorder starvation diet leads to being at least 15 underweight alternation between binge eating and purging or fasting binge eating episodes followed by distress disgust inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair Personality Disorder Narcissistic Personality Disorder social functioning usually without anxiety depression or delusions self absorption empathy anxiety or other social emotions Antisocial Personality Disorder formerly Psychopathy lack of remorse exaggerated sense of self importance and o Deceitful and manipulative o Impulsive thrill seeking o Irresponsible o Lifetime pattern Conduct disorder o Some violent and sadistic some charming Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder o Abnormalities in central nervous system o Impaired frontal lobe functioning planning impulsive control o Genetic influences o Environmental events

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UD PSYC 256 - Chapter 15: Psychological Disorders

Course: Psyc 256-
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