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Psych 1000 Ludlam Review Sheet 4 Topics Psychological Treatment and Social Psychology TOPIC 1 PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT Two major approaches 1 Psychotherapy The generic name given to formal psychological treatment 2 Biological Therapies Treatment based on medical approaches to illness and to disease a Psychopharmacology the use of medications that effect brain or functions can be particularly effective for some disorders at least on a short term basis History of psych treatment has been unsuccessful and horrifying Types of Psychotherapy 1 Psychodynamic Therapy a Goal increase insight or awareness of psychological processes that affect functioning b Key techniques and concepts i Unconscious hidden meaning of clients dreams ect ii Free Association client would say whatever came to mind and the therapist would look for signs of unconscious conflicts especially where the client appeared resistant to discussing certain topics iii Interpretations iv Resistance the patients use of defense strategies to avoid painful emotions in therapy 1 Psych 1000 Ludlam v Insight unconscious influences and past experiences but also current life problems vi Transference the transfer of emotional feelings about others onto the therapist c How do psychodynamic approaches that are more frequently used today differ from psychoanalysis as developed by Freud and colleagues Less extensive Less intense Flexible 2 Humanistic Therapy emphasizes clients own subjective experience free will belief systems and personal growth Carl Rodgers a Client Centered or person centered or nondirective creates safe comfortable settings empathy unconditional positive regard Reflective listening Used to establish a good relationship between client and therapist b Unconditional Positive Regard and Reflective Listening therapist repeats their clients concerns to help the person clarify his or her feelings c Motivational interviewing uses a client centered approach over a very short period behavior 3 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy combines behavioral and cognitive methods a Behavior Therapy uses principals of learning and conditioning to change i Exposure repeatedly facing fear stimulus 2 ii Systematic Desensitization teaches relaxation during increasingly anxiety producing situations Psych 1000 Ludlam iii Behavior modification iv Token economies b Cognitive Therapy Beck treatment based on the idea that distorted thoughts produce maladaptive behaviors and emotions treatment strategies attempt to modify these thought patterns i Cognitive Restructuring recognize maladaptive thought patterns and replace them with ways of viewing the world that are more in tune with reality ii Rational Emotive Therapy Ellis a therapist acts as a teacher explaining the clients errors in thinking and demonstrating more adaptive ways to think and behave c Cognitive Behavioral Therapy a therapy that incorporates techniques from cognitive therapy and behavior therapy i Goal correct faulty thinking and change maladaptive behaviors ii What is CBT like and how popular is it Encourages client to observe others peoples reactions teach client social skills Most widely used psychotherapy most effective 4 Group Therapy What are the benefits of group therapy Builds social support Less expensive Offers the opportunity for practice of social skills and peer learning Addresses importance of shared experiences 3 Psych 1000 Ludlam 5 Family Therapy emphasizes the context of the problem a Family Systems Perspective an approach that argues that an individual is part of a larger group that can maintain or exacerbate a problem Psychotropic Medications 1 Anti anxiety medications tranquilizers reduce anxiety and promote relaxation but also induce drowsiness and are highly addictive a Neurotransmitter typically affected by anti anxiety medications increase GABA 2 Antidepressant medications regulate mood treat mood disorders and anxiety disorders a 3 main classes MAOIs Tricyclics and SSRIs also read pp 687 698 b Mood stabilizers not an antidepressant Lithium is the primary one used for bipolar disorders c SSRIs how do they work at the synapse blocks the reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neuron d Controversies i Adolescents and suicide pp 713 715 increases ii Antidepressants found to be no more effective than a placebo for mild to moderate depression Only more effective for severe depression see also p 700 4 Psych 1000 Ludlam 3 Antipsychotic medications block the effects of dopamine not always effective side effects a Neurotransmitter typically affected by anti psychotic medications dopamine b Newer drugs Clozapine Risperdal Zyprexa Clozapine also affects serotonin and other neurotransmitters along with dopamine Cause problems with white blood cells Old drugs affect positive symptoms New can affect both c Tardive dyskinesia older antipsychotic drug that cause horrible irresistible side effects tremors mouth convulsions 5 Alternative Biological Treatments Psych 1000 Ludlam 1 Psychosurgery Removal of portions of the brain usually frontal lobes to treat psychological disorders a Prefrontal Lobotomies discontinued used to treat severe mental disorders including schizophrenia major depression and anxiety disorders 2 Electroconvulsive Therapy common in 1950 s 60 s to treat mental disorders including schizophrenia and depression Administering a strong electrical current to the patients brain to produce a seizure 3 Deep Brain Stimulation newer technique surgically implanting electrodes deep within the brain 4 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS powerful electrical currents produce a magnetic field When rapidly turned on and off it induces a current in the brain region directly under the coil thereby interrupting neural functioning of that region Types of Treatment Providers pp 687 688 1 Clinical psychologists Ph D academic or hospital setting 2 Clinical psychologists Psy D academic or hospital setting 3 Psychiatrists MD hospital or private practice 4 Counseling psychologists Ph D schools colleges counselors academic settings private practice 5 Psychiatric social workers MSW psychiatric hospitals house calls 6 Psychiatric nurses BSN outreach programs residential treatment programs 6 Psych 1000 Ludlam 7 Paraprofessionals outreach programs residential treatment programs The Effectiveness of Psychological Treatments 1 Does Psychotherapy Work 86 say they felt improved 89 said they felt satisfied with experience a Consumer Reports Study bias with self reports i Problems with self

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