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Integrated Marketing Communications Jour 101 Monday March 17 2014 Teacher Chris Sparks Marketing Communications MARCOM creating and sending targeted messages to consumers customers and prospects 2 forms Mass Communications One way centralized Tv commercials and magazines etc New Media 2way one to one networks or one on one more targeted consumer like Facebook twitter etc Types of Messages 1 advertising paid mass media 2 Public relations news mass media 3 direct marketing one to one communication junk mail in my words or QVC like programs 4 Sales promotion incentives to purchase 5 Personal selling buyer seller interactions 6 internet social media new media Technology and the continuation of it are drastically changing how people interact Media proliferation all of the multimedia Consumer empowerment we participate with the messages and decide what we receive in our inbox Original Communication Model Sender Message Reciever but now we have a big thing called FEEDBACK these slides will be online consumer generated feedback the 1 thing that marketers are dealing with today is message clutter IMC helps businesses stand out through this message clutter we see on average 3 000 advertisements a day Coordination clarity and relevance of messages to consumers is important IMC is a symphonic approach to communication mobile internet television social networks video radio newspaper making a TV commercial fit for social media or radio etc IMC is the strategic coordination of marketing communication messages among all media channels and disciplines so they work together as ONE versus isolated entities to connect with targeted consumers in a clear consistent and relevant way the design and delivery of the RIGHT MESSAGE to reach the right audience at the right time at the right place through the right media touch points in a clear consistent and compelling way

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Ole Miss JOUR 101 - Marketing Communications

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