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Jour 101 1 24 14 REVIEW Specifically it is the level of skill and precision with which practitioners use their tools that determines their level of success in the careers they have chosen people seek information people are curious getting the information helps us cope it helps us thrive There is confusion telling truth or market there is a large number of platforms different types of ways to get our news want one accurate piece people get overwhelmed by this large number they just my role is to bring clarity to complex situations where is the audience Want to know What are they like deliver words and pictures to help them understand if you don t like writing leave the field Lecture 2 1 24 14 WHAT DO MEEK GRADS DO we tell stories there are 43 muscle groups in the human face and can be combined with arms and limbs when spoke words can be an endless array of inflections this is how we silently communicate nonverbal communication is a field all by itself another type of communication is MOTION Tools of our trade we know that photos words motion sound along with sensory factors such as touch and smell convey information to recipients Together or in combination they form the core of human communication the best story tellers are the ones that use the tools in the best way to tell their story Although not all tools are available in every platform READ READ READ not so secret formula Read listen watch analytically practice practice practice EDORA WELTY Long before I wrote stories I listened to stories Listening for stories A communicator must be observant driving school defensive driving soldiers situational awareness they notice everything 1 27 2013 2 00 Overby Center Guest Speaker not mandatory WHO IS IN CONTROL OF TELLING A STORY YOU STYLE It matters Style in Writing AP Stylebook spelling capitalization punctuation abbreviation usages close words precision accuracy Trademarked words Why do we care about style clarity consistency speed Numerals Some of these benefit readers too and significantly one to nine spelled out 10 and above numerals First through ninth spelled out 10th and above numerals Ages always numerals 1 2 3 Starting sentences always spelled out and there s more Addresses abbreviate AVE St BLVD only when used with a numeral always use numerals in addresses never abbreviate Road or Drive No periods in NE or SW Always periods in P O Time 1 45 p m Noon and midnight If there s dateline use local times If there s no dateline use EDT And call it ADT Btw what s a dateline City all caps State AP abbreviation not USPS Unless it s a city on the list Dateline means reporter was there No datelines on roundups Time Element use days of the week never yesterday or tomorrow outside the current week use date abbreviation Jan Feb Aug Sept Oct Nov and Dec if used with a date Never abbreviate March April May June or July English is full of similar words Ensure give assurances and insure by insurance policy hanger hang coats and hangar something you park an airplane in rack wack uninterested disinterested gantlet gauntlet koran quran gage and gauge and Brand names Tupperware Frisbee Delta Air Lines American Airlines Ladies Home Journal Weed Eater And abbreviations ATM FBI NOW RICO SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States And frequently used words that are hard to spell FERPA diarrhea bull s eye day care minuscule memento restaurateur Broadcast style is not the same as print style BROADCAST POLICE WENT TO THE HOSUE AT TEN TEN MARKET STREET WHERE AN

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Ole Miss JOUR 101 - Lecture notes

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