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Merchandising Final Study Guide April 29 10 12 Tony the tiger Frosted flakes More private label brands are emerging instead of name brands Brands Advertising Integrated Marketing Zara Abercrombie little to no advertising Geico heavy advertising Print Catalogs more direct marketing Attached to holidays candy companies etc Nostalgia is important multigenerational Teens brand association is established then Social Media twitter etc Kiosks direct marketing Human Resources how to manage the store what goes on Rewards and punishments Reward raise extrinsic Salarie fixed or commission Average amount of paid vacation time annually int he United States is two weeks In Europe especially France there is more vacation time typically around five weeks Employee theft shrinkage from employees not outside people Flash robs gang related big cities Big events such as prom cause more people to be staffed on the retail floor Be careful where you place expensive items typically placed by the cash register or up high Cash wrap cash register Impulse purchases by the register Cover or back of the magazine is the best advertising position Insert free paper in magazine newspaper Magazines make more money from ads than from subscriptions Kohls stock is going up EAS Electronic Article Surveillance the tag placed on expensive items in stores to avoid shoplifting Layouts are how the customer will approach merchandise and consist of Grid racetrack freeform India is known for their food displays Cultures and color America Blue trust me Mexico Red 1 in 6 Americans have hispanic descent merchandising is changing to include the diversity Most sales are 1 things then most stores should be that 1 things reflected in square feet The longer one is in the store the more likely they will buy something in order to encourage buying store adopt music displays scent lighting etc Service Plannagram plan and designs of physical layout of where things go in the store Merchandising dog food in the country uses big dogs Tractor supply is a young company getting bigger sells feed for animals also etc Disney known for exceptional good customer service into the emotion and experience of the customer Circle display rounder Plus display four way In a flat display the size small goes on top Eye level is the best selling area things on the bottom self do not sell Services in stores come from headquarters however some stores allow freelance service which empowers the employees by letting them make choices Amazon will start using drones Lawyer talked about intellectual property

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FSU CTE 3806 - Merchandising Final Study Guide

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