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Clinical Psychology Recitation Psychopathology Constructs of abnormality Statistical problems with this are that it provides only a logical form without content and its extremely vulnerable to culture relativity 2 types o Scientific conceptualization of normality model of average frequency Conceptualization of abnormality unidirectional and bidirectional o Common sense conceptualization of normality frequent consistent self perceptions and perceptions of others Conceptualization of abnormality infrequent inconsistent self perceptions and perceptions of others Health conceptualization of normality normality of health is an almost universal phenomenon Conceptualization of abnormality psychiatric diagnosis presence in mental hospital social maladjustment and subjective unhappiness Problems with this are that it is a cop out because it is easy to define disease because normality is an empty construct normality functions as a facile explanation and a normal person is someone who does not cause trouble for classifier cultural relativity Utopian conceptualization of normality ideal man self actualization Conceptualization of abnormality loss of balance in psychological forces lack of self actualization immaturity and distorted perception of reality Problems with this are that it created a construct of normality that is too expensive current notions lack precision proposed characteristics are unidimentional and too few to account for variability of coping and values are often mistaken for facts Process conceptualization of normality end point of temporal progression developmental evolutionary Conceptualization of abnormality early stage of development and prior stage of evolution Problems with this are that although it provides a structure for defining abnormality its content is currently meager and it cannot stand alone and must be combined with other models Models structures or analogues that provide in hypothesized similarity to reality There are too few models and many of the models we have are too simplistic Much of the disagreements about models revolve around imperialism rather than empiricism which is where they should be Functions of models 1 They organize current data 2 They help us to remember what we know 3 They provide a theory that constrains and directs our thinking Problems with models 1 Fiat 2 Reification 3 Failure to test Clinical Disorders Mood disorders major depressive disorder MDD dysthymia bipolar disorder I and II and cyclothymia Substance related disorders substance abuse and substance dependent Dissociative disorders Schizophrenia and related disorders schizophrenia schizophreniform disorder and schizoaffective disorder o Schizophrenia affects all aspects of functioning such as thinking perception attention social and motor The word schizophrenia means splitting of the minds Psychosis is a state defined as a loss of contact with reality Often have delusions and hallucinations These are considered positive symptoms of schizophrenia or bizarre additions to a person s experience of the world Delusions control persecution reference grandeur Disorganized thinking and speech loose associations neologisms perseverations and clang Heightened perceptions and hallucinations sensory gating visual and auditory hallucinations Inappropriate affect Negative symptoms Alogia poverty of speech Blunted or flat affect Loss of volition motivation or directedness Social withdrawal Eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa Personality disorders borderline personality disorder narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder o Cluster A odd or eccentric paranoid schizoid schizotypal Cluster B dramatic antisocial borderline histrionic narcissistic Cluster C anxious or fearful avoidance dependent obsessive compulsive o Borderline Personality Disorder instability in interpersonal relationships self image affect marked impulsivity Women are the usual sufferers of this disease 75 70 75 of patients have at least 1 self injurious act 8 10 complete suicide 40 81 of childhood sexual abuse victims have this Co morbidity with mood disorders other personality disorders PTSD anxiety substance abuse and eating disorders Symptoms avoidance of abandonment unstable intense interpersonal relationships identity disturbance impulsivity suicidal self mutilating behavior affective instability chronic feelings of emptiness inappropriate intense anger paranoid ideation dissociative symptoms Possible causes Psychodynamic theories because it comes from a lack of early acceptance by parents Biological theories believe it comes from impulsivity lower brain serotonin activity and genetics Biosocial view states it is a combination of internal and external factors such as dysfunction of emotion regulation and an invalidating environment Anxiety disorders The class of psychological disorders where anxiety is the predominant feature Anxiety disorders are the most common psychological disorders in the United States There is high co morbidity which means that people who suffer anxiety disorders often suffer from another disorder There are high costs associated with anxiety disorders 42 billion year because there are lost wages reduced productivity and have high health care costs Examples generalized anxiety disorder GAD specific phobias social phobia social anxiety disorder panic disorder agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder OCD o GAD a disorder that is characterized by chronic excessive worry accompanied by three or more of the following symptoms Their excessive worries are usually about things such as their own health health of family finances politics work and minor matters Their worry is in a number of areas and is difficult to control There is a 5 of lifetime prevalence 2 1 female to male ratio early onset chronic course low rate of remission high co morbidity and functional impairment Avoidance strategy is way to cope with stress negative emotions and physiological arousal Symptoms include restlessness fatigue irritability muscle tension sleep disturbance They last at least six month and are not understood by others They are often accused of looking for worry o Phobic disorders are characterized by marked persistent and excessive fear and avoidance of specific objects activities or situations Examples of general phobias are specific animals or insects heights acrophobia enclosed spaces claustrophobia and blood injection phobia Specific phobias are an irrational fear of a

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