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COMM 3620 Module 1 Exam Study Guide Chapter 1 Communication the use of symbols to represent ideas so that meanings can be shared Ex street signs magazines podcasts conversations books etc During IPC you use symbols in the form of talking gesturing or writing Symbols sounds movements or images to represent ideas communication use symbols Interpersonal Communication communication the occurs between people and creates a personal bond between them unlike communication that includes any use of symbols to represent meanings Impersonal Communication when your personal qualities are irrelevant to the interaction Treated as a customer at a restaurant vs your server showing interest in you as an individual Inter connects people computer won t get mad for shutting it off Personal your unique qualities as a person matter during IPC Dyad occurs between two people Common setting for IPC Can take place within a larger setting Transactional Model of Communication reflects the fact that people involved in an interpersonal interaction participate together in the act of communicating At least two participants who bring personal qualities to the interaction as well as their own thoughts and their impressions of their partner Together these participants create and interpret symbols that represent ideas The interaction unfolds in a context that includes everything from physical characteristics of the setting to the cultural environment Channel the medium through which messages are exchanged between people Allows partners to jointly participate in the continuous creation and interpretation of symbols that represent ideas Connection that exists when face to face partners give each other their attention Cell phone or Internet connection Content Messages the literal or typical meanings of the symbols used to communicate Direct and literal or indirect meanings of the symbols that are used Relational Messages the meanings that symbols have for the relationship between A person s attempt to change the relationship communicators Way to determine extent of relationship Sources of Information about relational messages The symbols used Let s get together more often The relationship history I love you spoken for first time The situation I love you after a fight before separation Computer Mediated Communication the variety of ways in which computer technology allows people to exchange messages with each other Interpersonal Communication Competence the ability to use well the symbols that represent ideas and create a personal connection with another person Measured by 6 standards 1 Fidelity the clarity of a message the extent to which meanings can be correctly inferred from the symbols hear understand interpret 2 Appropriateness communication is appropriate when the messages that people produce match the requirements of the situation o Social Rules guidelines that specify the actions that are expected preferred and off limits in a given situation 3 Satisfaction competent communication is enjoyable attentive responsive positive 4 Effectiveness effective when you are able to produce the outcomes that you want 5 Efficiency efficient if you can produce the outcomes you seek with no more than a reasonable amount of effort not having to beg 6 Ethics a consideration of what constitutes right vs wrong or good vs evil o Ethical Communication involves using values as a moral guide when you interact with other people Communication Skills the ability to create symbols and perform behaviors that are appropriate and effective in a given social situation learned Theory a description of the relationships among concepts that helps us to understand a phenomenon Explanation for why something is the way that it is You create informal theories every time you try to make sense of a situation A theory highlights specific concepts Concepts the categories of phenomena that are believed to be relevant to understanding an event situation or experience not getting the job A theory describes how concepts are related Positive Association when an increase in the amount frequency or intensity of one phenomenon corresponds with an increase in another phenomena the more competence the greater the likelihood of getting hired Negative Association when a decrease in the amount frequency or intensity of one phenomenon corresponds with an increase in another phenomena the more nervous you seem the less likely you are to get the job Curvilinear Association exists when two concepts are positively or negatively related but only up to a point and then reverses friendliness helps you get the job but too friendly might be unprofessional A theory is always incomplete a theory emphasizes particular concepts that a communication scholar believes are most important to understanding an event situation or experience A theory is tested against the experiences of people focuses on trying to understand the experiences of people in general Interpersonal Communication Ethics involve a consideration of the moral responsibilities that you have to the other person and to your relationship when making communication decisions Attend to the values that you want to promote or protect in your interpersonal interaction Recognize the impact of your choices on other people as well as your relationships with them Learn how IPC works to make more informed communication decisions Chapter 2 Culture the values beliefs and customs that you share with a group of people Norms shared expectations for behavior Cultural norms shape your communication experiences Standpoint the position from which people see the world based on their status in society gender access to education jobs healthcare Internet Speech Community a group of people who have similar ways of using and interpreting symbols arises when people live study or work together and therefore have shared experiences norms and communication practices Greek members Subcultures speech communities that share some unique practices within a broader cultural group parishioners who attend a particular church follow the norms for their religion Socialization the process by which newcomers come to understand a culture s assumptions and guidelines Invention the development of new cultural practices one way culture changes First members transmit information about the culture to newcomers Diffusion occurs when a society adopts the cultural practices of another group one way culture changes Speech Codes Theory theory that explains how people s

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OSU COMM 3620 - Chapter 1 Communication

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