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The Ohio State University ES 1100 Planet Earth Final Study Guide Chapter 22 Glaciers Terms Ablation melting Albedo reflectivity Ar te a knife edge ridge formed by 2 cirques eroded toward one another Cirque glacier that fills a mountaintop bowl Continental glacier vast ice sheets covering large land areas Equilibrium line line where the zone of ablation and zone of accumulation meet Firn change from snowflake to compacted grain of ice Fjord U shaped trough flooded by the sea caused by a glacier Glacial advance caused by gravity toe leading edge of glacier always facing downhill Glacial till sediment dropped by glacial ice Glacial retreat when rate of ablation rate of accumulation toe retreats up slope Hanging valley intersection of tributary and trunk glacier creates a waterfall Horn pointed mountain peak formed by 3 or more cirques Ice sheet large ice sheets covering land Loess wind transported silt Moraine unsorted debris deposited by a glacier Mountain glacier flow from high to low elevation Tarn lake made by a glacier U shaped valley distinctive trough caused by glacial erosion Zone of ablation area of net ice loss Zone of accumulation area of net snow addition colder temperature Topics Questions How does glacial ice behave at the surface And closer to the base elastically plastically solid liquid ductile brittle Surface upper 60m of ice brittle has cracks Base below 60m plastically ice crystals may stretch or shear past one another How are sediments sorted in glacial deposits Well or poorly sorted Coarse or fine grained All grain sizes unsorted What gas concentration in the atmosphere is important to whether glaciers will form Carbon dioxide and methane What of Earth s surface is covered by glaciers About 10 Where are continental glaciers located Antarctica and Greenland What does ice with high albedo mean The ice reflects most of the light that falls on it Chapter 17 Streams Terms Base level lowest elevation to which a river can flow usually the mouth Bed load larger particles that roll slide or bounce along the bed Delta triangle of sediment at the mouth of a river Dissolved load ions in water from mineral weathering Drainage network dendritic rectangular radial trellis array of linked channels Ephemeral stream stream where water doesn t flow all year only after heavy rainfall or flooding Floodplain land adjacent to river or stream Meanders looping curves or a river or stream Oxbow lake U shaped freestanding body of water Point bar inside curve of a meander Runoff water in motion over the land surface Stream capacity maximum sediment load transported Stream competence maximum particle size transported Suspended load fine particles that are suspended in the water Thalweg deepest part of the channel Trunk stream formed when tributaries merge to form a larger stream V shaped valley gently sloping sidewalls of a river create a V Watershed drainage basins or catchments Topics Questions Where does flowing water come from in streams Melted snow rain groundwater ect Stream drainage patterns dendritic rectangular radial trellis Stream water flows faster at steep or gentle gradient AND well developed meanders or straight channel Steep gradient and straight channel Distinction between valley and canyon Valley gentle sloping sidewalls Canyon steep sidewalls form cliffs sometimes has stair like walls In a meandering stream where will the sediment be deposited Where will be eroded Point bar slower moving water sediment is deposited Cut bank faster moving water sediment is eroded How is an oxbow lake formed When a meander is cut off from the main stream Which is more catastrophic 100 year or 50 year flood 100 year flood Chapter 19 Groundwater Terms Aquifer underground layer of water bearing permeable rock Aquitard confines groundwater hinders flow Artesian spring well tap confined tilted aquifers Cone of depression caused by groundwater pumping water table declines and forms a pointed conical shaped surface near the well Confined aquifer has an aquitard above it Groundwater resides in pore spaces of aquifer Groundwater contamination from human activity from dissolved organic and inorganic compounds dissolved metals and pathogens microbes Hydraulic gradient special change in hydraulic head Hydraulic head potential energy driving flow of groundwater elevation and pressure Karst landscape from limestone dissolution forms irregular terrain Perched water table lens shaped aquitards prevents infiltration to water table Permeability degree of pore interconnectedness Pore space spaced in sediment that hold either air or groundwater Porosity primary and secondary percent volume of open space in rock or sediment primary originally formed with the material secondary develops later through fracturing faulting or dissolution Recharge area land that groundwater infiltrated through Saline intrusion beneath costal land pumping causes intrusion into fresh ground water Saturated zone pores filled with water below the water table Sinkhole karst landform roof collapse of caves caused by limestone dissolution Spring natural groundwater outlet Unconfined aquifer exposed at the earths surface Unsaturated zone pores filled with air above the water table Water table subsurface boundary that marks the beginning of groundwater Well holes excavated or drilled to obtain groundwater Topics Questions Sinkholes commonly associated with what type of rock Limestone Which has a greater porosity Unsorted sediment or lithified sediment Unsorted sediment Porous vs permeability Can be both Yes it can be both but also not ex cork high porosity but low permeability How does the elevation of the water table change with rain and drought Water table elevation raises with rain and falls with drought Also higher in humid environments and lower in dry environments How does groundwater flow in regards to hydraulic head Groundwater always flows from high to low flows in a curved concave up path What factors slope porosity permeability affect the rate of groundwater flow High permeability and slope increase the rate of flow How does pumping effect the elevation of the water table The water table near the well drops Where does karst formation take place in regards to the elevation of the water table Just above the water table What acid is responsible for dissolution Carbonic acid H2CO2 Where does the majority of liquid freshwater reside Groundwater If groundwater is clear it is drinkable No it could be contaminated Chapter 18 Oceans

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OSU EARTHSC 1100 - Chapter 22 – Glaciers

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