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RMI 4224 Chapter 5 Study Guide Covered Property Two Categories Cause of Loss Breakdown o Property the named Insured Owns o Property of Others in the named Insured s Care Custody or Control and for which the Named Insured is Legally Liable o Direct physical loss that causes damage to 3 items page 17 of 19 in target packet 1 Failure of pressure or vacuum equipment 2 Mechanical failure including rupture or bursting caused by centrifugal force 3 Electrical failure including arcing o Does not mean 7 items page 17 of 19 in target packet 1 Malfunction having to do with alignment adjustment calibration cleaning or modification 2 Defects erasures errors limitations or viruses in computer equipment and programs including the inability to recognize or process any date or time or provide instructions to covered equipment 3 Leakage at any valve fitting shaft seal gland packing joint or connection 4 Damage to any vacuum tube gas tube or brush 5 Damage to any structure or foundation supporting the covered equipment or any of its parts 6 Functioning of any safety or protective device 7 Cracking of any part on an internal combustion gas turbine exposed to the products of combustion Covered Equipment o Means and Includes o Does not Mean or Include page 18 of 19 in target packet 1 Media 2 Part of pressure or vacuum equipment that is not under internal 3 pressure of its contents or internal vacuum Insulating or refractory material but not excluding the glass lining of any covered equipment 4 Nonmetallic pressure or vacuum equipment unless it is constructed and used in accordance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers code or another appropriate approved code 5 Catalyst 6 Vessels piping and other equipment that is buried belowground and requires the excavation of materials to inspect remove repair or replace 7 Structure foundation cabinet or compartment supporting or containing the covered equipment or part of the covered equipment including penstock draft tube or well casing Coverages Provided Property Damage Expediting Expenses Bodily Injury Spoilage Damage Utility Interruption Newly Acquired Ordinance or Law Errors and Omissions Brands and Labels Contingent Bodily Injury Exclusions Pressure or testing Neglect Limits of Insurance Policy Limit o Loss or Damage from a single breakdown event Additional Coverages o Consequential Loss o Hazardous Substances o Ammonia Contamination o Water Damage o Data and Media Conditions Suspension Joint or Disputed Loss Agreement

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FSU RMI 4224 - Chapter 5 Study Guide

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