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The Hellenistic Period Judea looks West Translatability and Intranslatability I Alexander doesn t have good plan of what to do upon his death friends advisors and generals prized by Alexander because of their aggressiveness and ambition referred to them as his beasts a Battle of Issus 333 BCE b Death in Babylon II Ptolemies a Ptolemy IV b Tobiads III Seleucids geographically the biggest empire but it was hard to control all of the land continually having problems with splinter groups leaving their empire splinter dynasties bubble kingdoms after 200 BCE Seleucids take Judea from Egypt a Antiochus III b Battle of Panium 200 BCE c Antiochus IV d Oniads e What was Hellenism The Decapolis Jerusalem as a polis Simon the Benjamite Decapolis set up to be centers of Hellenistic culture Built according to a block sytstem street grid had theatres worshipped polytheistic dieties trade agreement 10 citiies but no one can agree onw hat they were i Hippos ii Pela iii Philadelphia iv Beat Shon IV Maccabean Revolt 167 160 BCE a Splinter Empires b Mattathias c Judas d Rededication of the temple 164 BCE e Simon declared priest and king Akra falls 141 BCE V Rome enters the East 63 BCE LOOTING temples is normal Antiochus the 4th is famous for doing this to the temples as well as actively suppressing Jewish culture Hasmonean coin

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UMD JWST 234 - The Hellenistic Period

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