Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration Respiration process by which cells extract energy from glucose fatty acids proteins etc Glucose is broken down oxidized into CO2 and water enters cell through facilitated diffusion 4 phases of glucose oxidation Glycolysis conversion of glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvate Anaerobic requires no oxygen Takes plave in the cytoplasm CoA Acetyl coenzyme A formation pyruvate passes into mitochondria and is converted to acetyl Citric acid cycle glucose is completely consumed Electron transport system electrons and protons are removed from fuel molecules glucose and others will be processed Glycolysis converts glucose to pyruvate Glycogen or glucose hexokinase using energy of ATp APD redox reaction Glucose 6 phosphate is produced ATP ADP Fructose 6 phosphate 2 glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate which is acted on by several enzymes to produce 2 pyruvate 2 NAD 2H 2e 2NADH 2 Substrate level phosphorylation add P to ADP via energy contained in substrates Pyruvate contains most of the energy that was present in glucose 2 ATP used 4 ATP made net of 2 ATP 2 pyruates 2 NADH 2 ATP Formation of Acetyl CoA 2 pyruvates 2 acetly coA 2CO2 NAD NADH Coenzyme A comes from pathotheric acid B Vitamin Citric Acid Cycle Krebs Cycle Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Matrix of the mitochondria location Accetly CoA citrate citric acid isocitrate ketogluterate succinate fumarate malate oxaloacetate 6 NADH 2 ATP 2 FADH2 Total of 24 ATP Energy completely consumed from glucose Electron Transport Steps I III remove hydrogen from substrates and transfer them to NAD and FAD to form NADH2 and FADH2 acceptors The H s come from water H2O Then remove H and e from NADH2 and FADH2 and transfer them through a series of electron Oxidation and reduction are paired oxidation burning Transfer e from NADH2 to acceptor and NADH2 become oxidized and acceptor is reduced NADH2 and FADHS2 are reducing powers The electrons will be used to reduce proteins called cytochromes present in the inner membrane of mitochondria Electron Transport and the Chemiosmotic theory of Oxidative Phosporylation Terminal e acceptor in electron transport is O H2O is formed Aerobic Respiration summary I Glucose 2 pyruvate 2 ATP and 2NADH2 6ATP 8 ATP II 2 pyruvate 2 acetyl coA 2NADH2 6ATP 1 glucose 38 ATP III 2 acetyl coA 6NADH2 14 ATP and 2FADH2 4ATP 2ATP 24 ATP ATP is made in mitochondria but it is used in the cytoplasm ATP ADP translocase moves ATP out of mitochondria and moves ADP into the mitochondria Oxidadtive Phosphorylation E transport system Anaerobic pathways Glycolysis is anaerobic FIGURE 9 14 LOOK AT IT
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