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A More resonance more stability harder rxn 3 Resonance forms 4 Basicity of COOH derivatives 5 Acidity A Alpha hydrogens II Acyl Halides 20 2 1 Naming COOH name but xylic and replace with onyl and replace acid with halogen 2 No catalysts are necessary 3 Hydrolysis to COOHs 4 Conversion to anhydrides 5 Conversion to esters 6 Conversion to amides 7 Conversion to ketones rxns with alkyl cuprates radical grignards RLi will add multiple times 8 Conversion to aldehydes III Anhydrides 20 3 1 Naming COOH name anhydride 2 Rxns are analogous to acyl halides IV Esters 20 4 1 Naming alkyl alkanoates 2 Acid catalyzed hydrolysis A Base mediated mechanism 3 Transesteri cation conversion of one ester to another 4 Conversion to amides catalyzed with heat H can work 5 Conversion to alcohols A Rxn with strong nuc RMgI RLi B With hydride C Push pull transition state D Chirality retention no change in chiral carbon hybridization VII Alkanenitriles 20 8 1 Naming and structure A Alkanenitriles 2 Hydrolysis A Acid catalyzed mechanism B Base catalyzed 3 Rxn with alkyl nucleophiles 4 Reduction

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