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Photosynthesis Light Reactions Study Guide Questions 2 What are P680 and P700 3 What are the rules of light for photosynthesis 1 What are the components proteins requirements and end products for Photosystems I and II 4 Identify chlorophyll molecules and other pigments associated with photosynthesis and describe their roles in the light harvesting complex 5 Identify the chloroplast structure and the organelles associated with photosynthesis 6 Describe and identify the Z Scheme and the reaction process from PS II Cytochrome b6f Complex PS I and ATP Synthase 7 How many photons of light does it take to get all the way through the Z Scheme 8 What happens to energy when a photon of light excites an electron 9 In PSI how does the transfer of electrons lead to the synthesis of ATP Photosynthesis The Carbon Reactions Study Guide Questions 1 What is the role of rubisco in carbon fixation 2 Where does the Calvin Cycle occur 3 What are the end products of the Calvin Cycle 4 Identify and describe the location cell types steps compounds and end products of the C 4 carbon fixation 5 Compare and contrast C 3 and C 4 plants Which would be more efficient in fixing CO2 given certain environmental conditions High Low temperature High Low Oxygen levels etc 6 What is photorespiration 7 What are the metabolic processes that occur within CAM plants during the day and night Photosynthesis Physiological and Ecological Considerations Study Guide Questions 1 Optimal photosynthetic performance is dependent upon what three metabolic steps 2 Why is light important to photosynthesis there are many specific factors here 3 What are the light saturation point and the light compensation point and why are they important to photosynthesis 4 What are the physiological differences in sun and shade leaves 5 Why is temperature important to photosynthesis 6 Why is CO2 important to photosynthesis there are many specific factors here 7 What is the CO2 compensation point and why is it important to photosynthesis 8 Describe photosynthetic capacity and performance of plants related to CO2 compensation point carbohydrate translocation and leaf age Translocation in the Phloem Study Guide Questions 1 What types of experiments have scientist used to study the phloem 2 What types of sugars are transported through the plant and why are these the primary sugars transported 3 Describe the cell types that make up the phloem and describe their physiology 4 Starting with the assimilation of CO2 track the movement of carbohydrates through the plant Include movement from the mesophyll cells to the loading phloem loading at the source of the companion cells to the sieve tube members to the unloading phloem unloading at the sink the gradients established and how they are established Respiration and Lipid Metabolism Study Guide Questions 1 What is something that has been oxidized or reduced 2 What are the two main enzymes that break down starch What is starch originally broken down to by these enzymes 3 What molecule do we need to start out glycolysis 4 When is NADH ATP used or produced during Glycolysis know the specific points of the process where this occurs 5 Be able to identify ATP NAD NADH 6 What value is fermentation or lactic acid formation to an organism Why do we burn up an NADH in fermentation 7 Where does the Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport System occur Be able to identify within the mitochondria 8 What are the main points of the Citric Acid Cycle 9 What are the main points of the Electron Transport System 10 What value is ATP synthase to the Electron Transport System 11 Why do we get so much more energy out of a sugar molecule if we go through the Krebs cycle and the Electron Transport System vs Glycolysis alone Secondary Metabolites and Plant Defense Study Guide Questions 1 Describe the role s secondary metabolites play in plant survival and defense 2 What are the three major groups of secondary metabolites and the specific compounds within these groups 3 What are the major pathways of secondary metabolite biosynthesis 4 Identify secondary compounds and characteristics of each including different derivatives and forms botanical synthetic etc 5 How might other organisms take advantage of plant produced secondary metabolites 6 Compare and contrast Constitutive and Induced Defenses Give an example of each 7 What are some induced plant defenses against insect herbivory 8 What type of a defensive response does a plant have against a pathogen Question 1 Correct Mark 1 00 out of 1 00 Flag question Question text Glycolysis occurs during which phase of Respiration Select one A Anaerobic B Aerobic Feedback The correct answer is Anaerobic Question 2 Incorrect Mark 0 00 out of 1 00 Flag question Question text Select one A Photolysis B Hydrolysis C PAR D Photosynthesis Feedback The correct answer is Photolysis Question 3 Correct Mark 3 00 out of 3 00 What is the term for light induced splitting of H2O Flag question Question text Fill in the blanks with the correct term s Alkaloids are known especially for the Answer pharmacological properties Alkaloids are synthesized from amino acids Answer true Alkaloids are Answer alkaline Question 4 Partially correct Mark 1 00 out of 3 00 Flag question Question text Match the terms with the best available answers In CAM plants when stomata are closed during the day CO2 levels are very Answer low in the leaf PEP carboxylase is Answer active in the daylight Malic acid diffuses out of the Answer vacuole and is decarboxylated Question 5 Incorrect Mark 0 00 out of 1 00 Flag question Question text Select one A light B oxygen C Carbon dioxide D all of the above Feedback The correct answer is light Question 6 Partially correct Mark 3 00 out of 5 00 The epidermal palisade and mesophyll cells are used collectively to optimize photosynthesis by maximizing the amount of that gets to the chlorophyll Flag question Question text Fill in the blank with the correct term s Sieve elements Answer are elongated LIVING cells without nuclei responsible for transporting solutes Angiosperms have Answer stroburg cells dense cytoplasm and nuclei associated with these cells and are sources of ATP Gymnosperms have similar cells called Answer companion cells The primary sugars translocated through the phloem are Answer non reducing sugars Of the sugars Answer sucrose is the primary sugar translocated Question 7 Partially correct Mark 3 00 out of 11 00 Flag question Question text Match each number to the correct step

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LSU HORT 2050 - Photosynthesis: Light Reactions

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