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PS 203 Lecture Outline 9 27 13 Rise of the Modern State System Learning Goals by the end of this lecture you should be able to 1 Explain the key causes and consequences of the Habsburg bid for mastery of Europe France s bid for mastery of Europe and Prussia s wars for unification 2 Describe the four revolutions in Europe that took place between the 18th and 19th centuries 3 Define the following key concepts and illustrate each with an example where appropriate balance of power Treaty of Westphalia sovereignty nationalism Concert of Europe revisionist actor status quo actor imperialism Rise of the Modern State System I Why study the rise of the modern state system important to understand how we ended up with a system of modern states it was an unconceivable concept 200 300 years ago common historical background to work from important to introduce several key concepts in IR II What explains Europe s rise to power A Why did other civilizations decline 1 Ming Dynasty in China 2 Ottoman Empire centered around Turkey These two civilizations were far ahead of Europe initially Europe was in a state of decline because of wars between the European states China became isolationists banned all maritime shipping Turned their back on international politics Ottomans overextended their empire across North Africa the Aegean parts of Europe can t afford it expensive to run an empire B Why did Europe surge ahead 1 Consequences of political fragmentation Diversity of ideas diversity of economies competition Political fragmentation diffusion of power amongst different sovereign powers in Europe Consequence of political fragmentation 1 Diversity of ideas in Europe allowed technological innovation 2 Diversity of economies lead to economic growth Caused military competition between different rulers fueled an arms race and this generated economic growth and technological innovation Importantly increased power of European nations compared to non European nations gave advantage to European nations over other states who are not developing the same way Eg developed ships cannons Enabled them to project power through navies the projection power through sea thus controlling trade III Habsburg bid for mastery of Europe 1526 1648 A What was the Habsburg Empire Was a kingdom over Austria and Spain covered over a quarter of Europe Expanded through war and marriages Defining moment 30 years war 1618 1648 It enabled France to ascend thus breaking the Habsburg empire B What caused the Thirty Years War 1 Religious conflict Martin Luther started the Protestant movement rejects the Catholic churches teaching through the 95 Theses condemned the selling of Indulgences Because of this several European powers rejected Catholicism thus making a divided Europe The Pope started a counter movement to oppose powers who are against him and the Holy Roman Empire Started in Bohemia Catholic France joined the war in 1635 takes the side of the Protestant North NOT THE CATHOLIC SOUTH fearful of an increase in Habsburg power It marked the continuation of the France Habsburg rivalry for pre eminence in Europe What explains France s decision The balance of power 2 Balance of power It is a theory that stability comes from a distribution of power amongst states such that no one single state or small group of states can dominate the rest thus leading to the tendency for states to form counter alliances against each other to achieve equilibrium In Europe France thought that if it opposed the Habsburg it could defeat them thus leading the French in ascending to the top in Europe It started as a religious conflict but ended up as a war for the balance of power in Europe B What were the consequences 2 million combatants died 8 million civilian deaths Because of this the war is known as the Harvest of Blood Why was it so destructive New technology was released cannons lances Soldiers descended upon towns killing everyone living in it and then razed it to the ground KEY CONSEQUENCE Ended the Habsburg bid to dominate Europe Spain ceased to be a key power in Europe 1 Treaty of Westphalia 1648 and sovereignty European powers used this treaty to end empires in Europe European powers agreed that each state would govern its own internal affairs and other states could not intervene with its affairs Established the principle of sovereignty a state which is free of foreign control in control of its own territory IV France s bid for mastery of Europe 1667 1815 A What explains French ambition Louis XIV Louis wanted France to dominate Europe took France to wars for total domination The French people were against his idea and this lead up to the French Revolution Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon takes power Stages a coup during revolution Takes France to war again Key mistake by Napoleon Attacking Russia Napoleon s army shrinks as he marches east towards Russia Army decreasing as the temperature goes lower Defeated by a grand alliance of European powers in Waterloo in 1815 B Why did France fail Same reason why Habsburg failed balance of power No one wanted to be under the French An alliance was formed to defeat the French C What were the consequences 1 Warfare innovations mass conscription total war Napoleon was a great strategic innovator popularized Mass Conscription to recruit citizens into the Army Most European powers hired mercenaries Revolutionized the concept of total war get individuals civilians to help to produce things on the home front Eg ammo guns and ship them out to the war front 2 Rise of nationalism Monday 9 30 2013 2 Concert of Europe an exclusive club a Purpose create a balance of power in Europe European powers agreed that they will have a loose diplomatic league to engage in a long standing diplomacy The idea is to avoid another major war in the continent by creating a balance of power b Principles contain France reciprocal compensation 1st principle contain France don t shun them out Wanted France to balance another power which is the United Kingdom 2nd principle reciprocal compensation if any major power wanted to take a chunk of land outside of the Great European nations it would have to get the permission from other great powers to do that How successful was the Concert of Europe Kept power maintained peace for 40 years V Prussia s bid for mastery of Europe Prussia s rise to power began as a plan to unify Germany rather than the complete mastery of Europe Prussia consisted of a loose German confederation with 38 smaller states Prussia

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UW POL S 203 - Rise of the Modern State System

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