To seek increasingly accurate natural explanation understanding of the natural Bio Diversity 1 21 10 What is science Explanation Observation Descriptions All together can be a purpose or goal Process method Purpose of Science world Different branches of science o Physics matter and engergy o Chemistry atoms and molecules o Biology organisms and enviroment Assumptions Method De nition of Science Am organized body of knowledge o That describes the natural world Science must be 1 Based on best available evidence Natural phenomena have natural explanations follow natural patterns rules Series of pattern rule o Unchanging across time across space We can uncover understand these explanations patterns rules Scienti c Systematic process of acquiring organizing and communucating this knowledge a Lack of evidence poor quality evidence lead to a lack of acceptance of info a Observations hypothesis experimentation survey using reasoning to b Objective unbiased interptation of observation 2 Veri able testable repeatable a science is self correcting weed out baised 3 Acquied through Scienti c Method interpet data 1 27 10 Fact well com rmed observation Law gerenal statement about how natural world behaves o Not known to vary Hypothesis possible explanation of observations o Weakly strongly supported Theoery very well supported explanation that incorporates tested hypothesises fact and laws o Supported by innumerable observations o Multiple lines of evidence support the explanantion goal of science o Scientists would never say its just a theory Fact and laws Required explanation Hypothesis an d Theories Are explanations What is biology Study of life of living things What is a living thing o Maintaining relatively constant internal conditions balance Use ENERGY o Make it themselves plants o Take it from others us Ability to reproduce o Based on growth and development Composed of cells o Basic unit of life Homestasis o E x body temperature Behavioral seeking sun shade Physiological sweating Can adapt to environment o Short time scale or long evolve Sensitivity to external stimuli o Allows response to environment o Tied to sensory capabilities Highly ordered but complex o Many different types of cells and molecules How is life organiazed Hierachy within cells g 1 1 pg 2 3 o Atoms molecules macromolecule DNA organelle nucleus mitochondria Cell o Hierarchy of cell within organisms cell Tissue multiple cells aggregated Organ assocaited with speci c function heart brain Organ System multiple organs linked together cardiovascular system lungs Organism Hierachy of organsims within ecosystems o Population Species all pop Community aggregate of all individual species Ecosystem tied together Earth Bio sphere What is evolution It is both fact and theory Evolution as fact well con rmed observation o Living organsims change over time Evolution as theory see today Charles Darwin o Change over time over a LONG time has generated biological diversity we First to publish a mechanism for evolution Evolution by Natural Selection o Adaptation responsible for diversity of life and formation of new species Used Scienti c Method Alfred Russel Wallace Darwin Wallace theory of Evolution Darwin s Theory Wrote a letter to Darwin talking about his theory of Evolution o 5 years as naturalist on the HMS Beagle o Visited 4 continents Focused on coastal areas and islands o Collected plants animals and fossils o Studied geology Read a book called Principles of Geology Charles Lydell o Building of the book he found the earth was older than he imagines Why is this revelant to how life is shaped Process of evolution is slow and would reguire long period of time for small changes to accumulate into large changes o Three Key observations from Beagle 1 Fossils resembled extant currently existing Why would they be similar unless there was some shared ancestry some degree of relatedness Armadillo Glyptodont was what really got darwins interest Why should species of modern and fossil origin be so similar 2 Similar species varied from site to site in ways that suited their environments be similar Why would species in different locations environment ever Galapagos Finches g 1 7 21 1 3 Island species resembled coastal species Why wouldn t island species resemble other species o Formed a hypothesis Descendant with modi cation Organisms are descended from ancestors keeping most traits the same but with slight modi cations that better suit them to their environment o The Hypothesis of Natural Selection While there is variabl in a populations of organisms tend to look like individual that breed the most Offspring resemble their parents Traits passed from parent to offspring o Variation is heritable In every generation all organisms have the potential to produce more offspring than could ever survive Traits that give advantage will become more common over time in that population Populations change overtime o Most basic de nition of evolution mircoevolution Mircoevolution as populatioons change over long periods of time Can result in speciation macroevolution Chapters 20 22 Darwins ideas What evidence exists for evolution Evolution as FACT o Obeservations of change overtime o Evidence of common ancestry Evidence can be obtained in 2 ways 1 Direct observation see traits change over short time periods a Bacterial viral resistance to treatment drugs i MRSA Bacterial ii H1N1 Viral 1 Multi drug resistant Staphylotococcus Aureus 1 displays some anti viral resistance 2 1 10 Exam 1 Friday Info coverer on Exam o Day 1 Wednesday o NOT Thursday o Book is meant to help Format Multiple choice Essay Short Answer Now the Scienti c Method Homologous Structure Fig 21 4 Common ancestry all vetebrates Structures derived from the same structure in common ancestor Function may have changed Analogous Structure wings DNA Seguenci ng Share common function but are of separate origin wings of birds vs insect Genetic code is same for all organisms Closely related organsims have increased similarity in gene sequences Biogeography Species resemble nearby relatives o Local adaptation selective pressures Convergent Parallel Evolution Similar environments contain similar but unrelated species Represent similar selective pressures Fig 21 18 Chapter 20 Mircoevolution Genes within Populations Requirements for evolution Causes of evolution change Importance of Fitness tness survival reproduce your contrib to the population is measured by the number of offspring you produce
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