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Management Lecture 1 Key to success understanding organizational behavior a Successful management b Leadership c Organizations 2 What is today s strategic differentiator a Enlightened management 3 Independent variables a Individual level i Perception and cognition ii Demographics and availability iii Personality and value iv Motivation v Career development b Group level i Group dynamics ii Group decision making iii Communication iv Conflict and negotiation v Leadership c Organizational level i Organizational structure ii Power and politics iii Organizational culture 4 Dependent variables a Organizational Outcomes i Productivity ii Job satisfaction iii Creativity and innovation iv Financial performance 5 Organization a consciously organized social unit composed of two or more people that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal a Social organization is the basis for human adaptation to our environments b Specialization is the KEY to modern economic enterprise c Complex organizations require management d The process of organizing creates organizations e Highest level organization society itself f Smallest level of organization the group g Smallest unit of analysis the individual 6 Social and economic trends driving today s organizations a Increased competition b Globalization c Workforce diversity d Modern organizations are characterized by i Complexity large scale operations volume production fast paced uncertain environments virtual info flows e Need for flexibility and adaptation i Learning organizations adaptable under changing conditions ii Employees who are agile learners key competency 7 3 levels of Culture underlying Operational Behavior OB pyramid structure starting from the small top would notice a Artifacts Behavior What we see what a newcomer visitor or consultant i EX dress behavior organization charts physical layout logos mission statements degree of formality b Norms Values What they say what we would be told is the reason why things are they way they are and should be i EX company philosophy norms and justifications c Underlying Assumptions What they may not even realize unconscious taken for granted beliefs about the organization and its work purpose about people rewards and punishments 8 2 questions we ask when managing organizations in different environments a Where do you get your information b What do you do when you have to make a decision 9 Wisdom in the gaming industry a High rollers are important source of profits b Free rooms are a great way of attracting customers c Making casinos more family friendly draw business 10 Facts discovered by Harrah s a Free chips and meals more important than rooms b Families with young children don t have much spare income or time to play c Most profits come from regular players of slot machines not high rollers d Investing in data bases and analyzing experiments in HR practices provide better service and return than building more palaces 11 Evidence based Management uses empirical evidence to support decision making while expanding the range of acceptable data and sources of information which constitutes that evidence a Includes surveys interviews company documents and data b Necessary but insufficient in complex decision situations i A way of thinking the attitude of wisdom knowing what you know and what you don t know ii Being committed to fact based and evidence based action iii Running experiments and learning from the data 12 Science based Management reliable implementation of strategies and plans entails the rigorous application of theoretical explanations a Theories are neither true or false but more or less useful in explaining and predicting intended outcomes and decisions b Their value is evident in their outcomes as they are implemented in programs c Evidence based approach is part of science based management 13 Critical Thinking a Internalized way of thinking mindset which bases knowledge on OBSERVATION and LOGIC b Rejects prejudice and superstition perspectives c Recognizes the agency and dignity of other and is aware and tolerant of others d Is open to new knowledge skills and capabilities derived from education and experience which can be applied in various endeavors e Critical thinking is the KEY to EVIDENCE BASED MANAGEMENT and the hallmark of an educated person 14 Theoretical Understanding a Theoretical frameworks form the core of the disciplines representing a set of public models b Psychology all people see the world through their own eyes c Economics humans are fundamentally rational in pursuit of their individual self interest now mediated by behavioral economics d Political science human organizations naturally stratify and develop hierarchies of power and leadership now mediated by social networks e Sociology human beings adapt and survive through social organization even as organizations are changing 15 Basic Social Science Concepts a Values culturally specific ideal representations of what people believe is good important moral ethical right vs wrong b Norms behavioral dos and don ts deriving from values and customs What our kind of people are supposed to do c Society a recognized social organization consisting of a group of people who are identified with each other and an established set of behaviors norms values attitudes which tie them together d Status a position in a society or social system Statuses can be ascribed meaning you get them at birth or achieved through work or education e Role a set of behavioral norms associated with various statuses What are you expected to do as a manager Student Employee f Attitudes individuals emotional identification with various norms customs statuses and role expectations ties DIRECTLY to motivation 16 Management s Role people skills are critical a Managing i Planning and budgeting ii Organizing and staffing iii Controlling directing and problem solving b Leading i Setting direction for organization ii Communicating to align people with that direction iii Motivating people to action 17 Theory a set of concepts and relations between them that help explain some phenomenon some observed event action or outcome a Not ontological truth theories judged on validity rigor and USEFULNESS b Theories answer questions c Applying theories i Defining basic concepts apply concepts to KEYWORDS ii Key words can be broken down to INDICATORS concrete observations or iii Hypothesize a set of relationships among concepts EXPLANATION based on

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