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Turtles and Tortoises Turtles and Tortoises Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Spring 2010 Spring 2010 Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Chelydridae Family Chelydridae Chelydra serpentina Chelydra serpentina Common snapping turtle Common snapping turtle Carapace with three Carapace with three keels keels Plastron relatively Plastron relatively small small Covering relatively Covering relatively little of the venter little of the venter Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Emydidae Family Emydidae Painted turtle Chrysemys picta Painted turtle Chrysemys picta Apex of upper jaw Apex of upper jaw with a notch formed with a notch formed by two cusps by two cusps W W Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Emydidae Family Emydidae Terrapene carolina Terrapene carolina Eastern box turtle Eastern box turtle Plastron hinged Plastron hinged Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Emydidae Family Emydidae Red ear slider Trachemys scripta Red ear slider Trachemys scripta Apex of upper jaw is Apex of upper jaw is NOT formed by two NOT formed by two cusps cusps V V Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Kinosternidae Family Kinosternidae Common Sternotherus odoratus Common Sternotherus odoratus musk turtle musk turtle With barbells on chin With barbells on chin and neck and neck Lateral aspect of Lateral aspect of head with two light head with two light stripes stripes Hard to see in Hard to see in preserved specimen preserved specimen Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Testudinidae Family Testudinidae Gopher tortoise Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise Gopherus polyphemus Top of head covered Top of head covered with scales with scales Order Testudines Order Testudines Family Trionychidae Family Trionychidae Spiny softshell Apalone spinifera Spiny softshell Apalone spinifera Carapace covered Carapace covered with leathery skin with leathery skin Nose ending in a Nose ending in a tubular proboscis tubular proboscis

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NU BIOL 2318 - Turtles and Tortoises

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