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Lizards and Snakes Lizards and Snakes Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Spring 2010 Spring 2010 Order Squamata Order Squamata Family Chamaeleonidae Family Chamaeleonidae Jackson s Chamaeleo jacksonii Jackson s Chamaeleo jacksonii chameleon chameleon Each eye ending in Each eye ending in a conical a conical protrusion protrusion Toes bound in two Toes bound in two bundles bundles one with two toes one with two toes opposed by one opposed by one and one with three and one with three toes toes Order Squamata Order Squamata Family Gekkonidae Family Gekkonidae Tokay gecko Gecko gekko Tokay gecko Gecko gekko Toes with distally Toes with distally expanded friction expanded friction pads for climbing pads for climbing Order Squamata Order Squamata Family Scincidae Family Scincidae Five lined skink Eumeces fasciatus Five lined skink Eumeces fasciatus Body scales near Body scales near equal in size equal in size Order Serpentes Order Serpentes Family Crotalidae Family Crotalidae Timber rattlesnake Crotalus horridus Timber rattlesnake Crotalus horridus With rattles on With rattles on distal end of tail distal end of tail Order Serpentes Order Serpentes Family Natricidae Family Natricidae Northern water Nerodia sipedon Northern water Nerodia sipedon snake snake Dorsal scales Dorsal scales strongly keeled strongly keeled Raised line on Raised line on scale scale Order Serpentes Order Serpentes Family Natricidae Family Natricidae Common garter Thamnophis sirtalis Common garter Thamnophis sirtalis snake snake Dorsal scales Dorsal scales keeled keeled Multicolored Multicolored 3 stripes 3 stripes 1 dorsal and 2 1 dorsal and 2 lateral lateral Order Serpentes Order Serpentes Family Xenodontidae Family Xenodontidae Eastern hognose Heterodon platirhinos Eastern hognose Heterodon platirhinos snake snake Tip of snout Tip of snout upturned upturned Rostral nose Rostral nose keeled keeled

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NU BIOL 2318 - Lizards and Snakes

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