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Marine Fish I and II Marine Fish I and II Vertebrate Zoology Lab Vertebrate Zoology Lab Spring 2010 Spring 2010 Subphylum Urochordata Subphylum Urochordata Tunicates Tunicates Sessile organism Sessile organism Incurrent and Incurrent and excurrent siphons excurrent siphons Without a head Without a head Branchostoma lanceolata Branchostoma lanceolata Amphioxus Amphioxus No jaws No jaws Pharyngeal gill slits Pharyngeal gill slits Length 5cm or less Length 5cm or less Order Myxiniformes Order Myxiniformes Family Myxinidae Family Myxinidae Species Myxine glutinosa Species Myxine glutinosa Atlantic hagfish Atlantic hagfish No jaws No jaws Gill pores Gill pores Tentacles around Tentacles around mouthmouth Adults exceed Adults exceed 30cm in length 30cm in length Single dorsal and Single dorsal and anal fin anal fin Order Lamniformes Order Lamniformes Family Rhinocodontidae Family Rhinocodontidae Ginlgymostoma Species Ginlgymostoma Species Nurse shark cirratum Nurse shark cirratum Two pairs of Two pairs of barbels barbels overhanging lateral overhanging lateral ends of mouth ends of mouth Has an anal fin Has an anal fin Order Squaliformes Order Squaliformes Family Squalidae Family Squalidae Species Squalus acanthias Squalus acanthias Species Spiny dogfish Spiny dogfish No barbells No barbells No anal fin No anal fin Spine on dorsal fin Spine on dorsal fin Order Rajiformes Order Rajiformes Family Torpedinidae Family Torpedinidae Species Torpedo nobiliana Species Atlantic torpedo Atlantic torpedo Torpedo nobiliana Large triangular Large triangular caudal fin caudal fin Order Rajiformes Order Rajiformes Family Rajidae Family Rajidae Leucoraja erinacea Species Leucoraja erinacea Species Little skate Little skate No caudal fin No caudal fin Order Chimaeriformes Order Chimaeriformes Family Chimaeridae Family Chimaeridae Species Hydrolagus colliei Species Spotted ratfish Spotted ratfish Hydrolagus colliei External gill External gill opening covered opening covered by fleshy by fleshy operculum operculum Angler fish Angler fish Has lure on head Has lure on head Order Gadiformes Order Gadiformes Family Gadidae Family Gadidae Species Gadus morhua Species Gadus morhua Atlantic cod Atlantic cod Three dorsal fins Three dorsal fins Two anal fins Two anal fins Barbels Barbels Order Batrachoidiformes Order Batrachoidiformes Family Batrachoididae Family Batrachoididae Porichthys plectrodon Species Porichthys plectrodon Species Atlantic midshipman Atlantic midshipman Dorsal mouth Dorsal mouth First dorsal fin with First dorsal fin with only two spines only two spines In flesh of the In flesh of the dorsal dorsal Top of head Top of head Order Scorpaeniformes Order Scorpaeniformes Family Triglidae Family Triglidae Species Prionotos carolinus Species Northern sea robin Northern sea robin Prionotos carolinus No small finlets No small finlets Very broad head Very broad head Top and sides of Top and sides of head are bony with head are bony with sharp spines sharp spines First ventral three First ventral three rays of pectoral fins rays of pectoral fins free of membrane free of membrane Order Gasterosteiformes Order Gasterosteiformes Family Syngnathidae Family Syngnathidae Hippocampus erectus Species Hippocampus erectus Species Lined Seahorse Lined Seahorse With anal fin With anal fin Tail flexible Tail flexible curved curved Head at 90 degree Head at 90 degree angle to body angle to body Tubular snout Tubular snout Syngnathus fuscus Order Gasterosteiformes Order Gasterosteiformes Family Syngnathidae Family Syngnathidae Species Syngnathus fuscus Species Northern Pipefish Northern Pipefish No anal fin No anal fin Body and head Body and head straight straight Tubular snout Tubular snout Order Perciformes Order Perciformes Family Echeneidae Family Echeneidae Species Echeneis naucrates Echeneis naucrates Species Sharksucker Sharksucker Pectoral fins Pectoral fins pointed pointed Purplish in color Purplish in color Sucking plate Sucking plate Order Perciformes Order Perciformes Family Echeneidae Family Echeneidae Species Remora remora Remora remora Species Remora Remora Pectoral fins Pectoral fins rounded frayed in rounded frayed in preserved preserved specimen specimen Whitish cream in Whitish cream in color color Sucking plate Sucking plate Order Perciformes Order Perciformes Family Labridae Family Labridae Tautogolabrus Species Tautogolabrus Species Cunner adspersus Cunner adspersus Single dorsal fin Single dorsal fin head to tail head to tail Entirely spiny dorsal Entirely spiny dorsal finfin Order Perciformes Order Perciformes Family Ammodytidae Family Ammodytidae Ammodytes Species Ammodytes Species American Sand americanus American Sand americanus Launce Lance Launce Lance Dorsal fin soft Dorsal fin soft rayed throughout rayed throughout its length its length Order Perciformes Order Perciformes Family Scombridae Family Scombridae Species Scomber scrombrus Species Atlantic Mackerel Atlantic Mackerel Scomber scrombrus Five ventral and dorsal Five ventral and dorsal finlets finlets Between second dorsal and Between second dorsal and anal fins and the caudal fin anal fins and the caudal fin Head is thin and laterally Head is thin and laterally compressed compressed Head and sides not bony Head and sides not bony Rays of pectoral fins Rays of pectoral fins enveloped by membrane enveloped by membrane Cylindrical Cylindrical Order Pleuronectiformes Order Pleuronectiformes Family Pleuronectidae Family Pleuronectidae Species Pseudopleuronectes Pseudopleuronectes Species Winter Flounder americanus Winter Flounder americanus FlatFlat Lying on one side Lying on one side lower side lower side Both eyes on upper Both eyes on upper sideside

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NU BIOL 2318 - Marine Fish I and II

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