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The New Right 12 08 2011 Key Terms Barry Goldwater John Birch Society Nixon s Southern Strategy Growth of Conservatism whats the first one population growth in south Liberals couldn t solve our foreign policy More conservative and aggressive in foreign policy Most conservatives distrust big government see big government and a threat on individual liberty big government undermine democracy End up electing strong leaders whose personalities take over individual voice Leads you down to the road of serfdom 10th amendment argument Any law not in fed government is up to the federal government o Undermining constitution by not letting federal gov have power Lacks a moral center modern life has lost that sense of right and wrong o There is one belief system that has validity one answer of Richard Weaver right and wrong Kirk s Cannon of Conservatism o Believed in only one right and wrong o One right religion o Natural law o Everyone has a place and they should know their place Shouldn t help people move in a place that they don t Libertarians Thinks we don t need any government at all belong in Use government to maintain hierarchy How to bring two opposite poles together Anti Communism o Foreign policy is inappropriate Liberals containment Conservatism Containment is nothing but appeasement Allows communism to exist on this planet Need to wipe it off the face of the earth Answer is DIRECT ENGAGEMENT ON COMMUNISM Direct Engagement John Birch Society o Committed to stopping expansion of communism o More aggressive in foreign policy o Think social reforms resemble communism o Most of support from wealthy businessmen lead and funded by o Start accusing people in US gov of being communist Accusing the wrong people no one believes them Liberals during 1950s Everyone in the rights movements Young people hippies Minorities Less wealthy Social Conservatives and Libertarians Hate the women s movement William F Buckley together Offers Creates organizations and networks that bring these two groups o A magazine main way of communication Represent both viewpoints the national review full of ideas of conservatism o Young Americans For Freedom YAF Sharon statement 1st free will 2nd political freedom cannot exist without monetary freedom o Find common ground in the republican party Election of 1964 Rockefeller Moderate republican Old money Interested in expanding the new deal Barry Goldwater Rich Not a moderate Mr Conservative believes o party is drifting too much towards the o extremism is no vice and moderatism middle ground is no virtue o strongly supports state rights o thinks civil rights should be left to the states o wants to get rid of income tax o wants social security to be optional o wanted to end segregation through reasoned argument or through market o thinks Johnson and Kennedy are weak measures on communism wants to engage in Nuclear warfare people scares the shit out of o Goldwater caries Georgia Mississippi Alabama South Carolina and Arizona Republican party is changing People in republican party got a huge start with Goldwater Johnson wins 64 election in a landslide Wallace o Challenges Johnson for the nomination Wins Wisconsin Indiana Maryland Nixon 1968 o Southern Strategy communism Instead of talking about civil rights he talks about I believe in law and order cleaning up our streets Southern Whites keep segregation Urban property is protected Uses coded language to get support of everyone Same speech has different meanings in different places LOADED LANGUAGE o People hear different things from the same speeches o Foreign policy D tente peaceful coexistence Starts talking to china as an equal By being a Real politic Blocks out the Soviet Union Costs him conservative voters o Think US will look weak o Make US fall behind military Watergate Burglars break into Watergate hotel Burglaring offices of democratic offices One of the guys is the head of CREEP o Committee to re elect president Other 4 are in the CIA People get suspicious Nixon hires people to go down hire call girls to sleep with democrats and take pictures for blackmail Accuses democrats of being homosexual and having elegit babies Tells his people to lie under oath if something would incriminate him Women s movement 12 08 2011 Key terms Feminine Mystique Equal Pay Act of 1963 the personal is political The pill Problems facing women 1960 rarely hold political office cant sit on juries low paying jobs pink collar ghetto women aren t as smart as men don t know how to attack the problem two sectors 1 liberal moderate wing middle class mostly white a little older married children ect educated 1 more radical wing younger coming out of civil rights movement more racially mixed totally different ideas of what to do Liberal Women Betty Friedan writes Feminine Mystique one of the quotes o becomes the bible of liberal wing o describes people like herself went to college graduates suburbs unfulfilled in the burbs she feels like she has nothing to do American culture doesn t offer any opportunities for her o Problem that has no name o Feel like lives have no greater reason or purpose o Identifies the problem in the book Millions of Americans feel the click once they read the book Book talks to Middle class white educated woman Forms NOW national organization for woman o Launch legal lawsuits o Lobby congressmen o Write new legislation o Defend women who break laws that are discriminating like NAACP o support era equal rights amendment says no state can discriminate based on gender o equal pay act of 1963 can t discriminate based on sex pay employees for doing the same job SIGNIFICANT limited applicability at first but becomes the basis of lawsuits eventually The stepping stone for equal pay of women Effects no one Genders don t have the same job don t deserve the same pay Corporations found ways to get around it o Women have less skill education o Reclassify work Change the categories of work so they aren t doing the same job Civil Rights act of 1864 o Prohibits discriminations in public accommodations no segregation o No segregation in jobs employment Title Seven Sex gets thrown in there to make sure that the Civil rights act doesn t go through However it gets through Offers another tool that women can use to fight Uses title seven and EEOC to fight for women s rights Another example of liberal women s movement Radical Women Didn t think these things were going to be effective Thought you needed to change peoples minds o Change the

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UMD BMGT 380 - The New Right

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