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CIRCULATION Parts of circulatory systems 1 Fluid that circulates blood 2 Channel vessels that fluid circulates through 3 Pump heart to keep fluid moving Types of circulatory systems 1 Open circulatory systems insects Blood flows freely through the body 2 Closed circulatory systems animals humans Blood is contained in vessels Functions of the vertebrate circulatory system 1 Carry oxygen needed to produce ATP nutrients make DNA RNA ATP and waste 2 Distribute hormones 3 Regulate body temperature 4 Prevent blood loss 5 Defend against disease B cells T cells white blood cells Vertebrate Hearts 2 chambers fish 1 atria 1 ventricle 3 chambers amphibians most reptiles 2 atria 1 ventricle 4 chambers birds animals 2 atria 2 ventricles 4 chamberd heart 2 chambers for deoxygenated blood 2 chambers for oxygenated blood Valves prevent blood from going the wrong way 4 of them o In between chambers Atrioventricular valve o In between atrium ventricle Blood leaves heart in arteries comes back in veins Unoxygenated blood is on the right oxygenated is on the left Heart deox lungs ox heart pulmonary circulatory loop Systemic circulation heart ox body unox heart Oxygenated blood also goes to the outside of the lungs Flow of blood through body label parts of the heart on the exam Pulmonary circulatory loop becoming oxygenated Body right atrium right ventricle leaves through arteries lungs comes back through veins left atrium left ventricle aorta body Systemic circulation loop becoming deoxygenated Body left atria left ventricle leaves through veins lungs comes back through arteries right atria right ventricle body Heart pumping action 1 Atria contracts both at same time 2 Ventricles contracts both at same time 3 Both relax Semi lunar valves are in between ventricles blood vessels Other valves in body help blood flow more against gravity because they only go one way Electrocardiogram Blood 1 Plasma MAJOR component MOST VOLUME in blood Mostly water Proteins hormones nutrients gases ions wastes all can be carried in plasma Wastes can be CO2 2 Cells major cellular component red blood cells Hemoglobin makes blood cells red because of iron No nuclei lost before it grows up Produced in bone barrow They comprise 99 of all blood cells 1 ml of blood has over 5 billion RBCs Limited lifetime because they don t have nuclei Die in 90 days so body constantly produces them When at high altitudes with low oxygen more RBCs hemoglobin are produced Blood doping In diabetics glucose sticks to RBCs too much sugar levels of blood get too high Hemoglobin iron containing is inside RBCs Low iron leads to anemic disorder because you don t produce as many RBCs In sickle cell anemia hemoglobin sticks together decreases oxygen Hemoglobin 2 alpha 2 beta 4 oxygen molecules unless there s low iron Alpha beta have different polypeptide chains polypeptide protein amino acids rRNA mRNA tRNA are needed to make protein DNA is needed to make RNA all 3 types are used to make polypeptides alpha beta Alpha is made by 1 gene beta is made by another Malfunctions mutations in genes can stop the protein from functioning Sickle cell anemia Anemic no oxygen moving around their body tired 1 base pair change Sickle cell anemia resistant to malaria Bad in one way but good for protection Contains iron in heme 4 different heme groups 1 in each alpha and beta Oxygen sticks to heme groups Oxygen around cells is low because cells are making ATP Diffusion oxygen can pass through membrane high low Cells make CO2 which bind to heme groups Carbon monoxide can bind to heme groups creates a stronger bond Cells die when carbon monoxide is transferred to them Carbon monoxide poisoning Prevents binding of oxygen to heme groups Drowsiness lips turn blue Thousands of proteins hemoglobin in each RBCs Trillions of RBCs White blood cells have NO hemoglobin Do not turn on alpha beta genes People who have low iron in blood can feel anemic Bleeding often can lead to low iron RBC regulation by positive negative feedback Oxygen deficiency EPO Erythropoietin production by kidneys stimulates Stimulates RBC production in bone marrow causes restored oxygen levels inhibits Positive feedback childbirth Negative feedback when you are hot body sweats gets red to decrease original and increase change initial change is decreased When in high altitude low oxygen in kidneys EPO hormone is produced goes through body to bone marrow to tell bone marrow to increase RBC production White Blood Cells living Fight infections Differ in size shape of nucleus Originate in bone marrow Platelets Non living component along with plasma Used for blood clotting Can be good bad Pulmonary embolism prevents blood flow Strokes brain cells die in absence of oxygen transferred through arteries Cell fragments always going through body waiting for bleeding events play central role in clotting the damage Blood clotting 1 Platelets form plug 2 Thrombin produces which produces fibrinogen 3 Fibrinogen fibrin holds together cells 3 More platelets stick 5 Platelets contract Need platelets fiber 1 Blood thinners prevent clotting during surgery Blood vessels Heart arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins heart 1 Arteries and arterioles carry blood away from the heart Thick and muscular with elastic walls 2 Capillaries a Where the exchange of wastes nutrients gases and hormones between blood and body cells occurs b Thin tubes with walls only one cell thick so that dissolved material can diffuse in and out c So narrow that RBCs must pass through them in a single file 3 Venules and veins heart b Walls are much thinner a Provide low pressure pathways for blood back to the Controlling blood flow One way valves help prevents the back flow of blood in the vein system Drop in blood pressure the nervous system stimulates contraction of smooth muscles in vein walls decreasing their diameter the blood pressure rises What is a heart attack Plaque build in the coronary artery blocking blood flow and oxygen to the heart Damage and death to the heart tissue CH 33 RESPIRATION Cellular Respiration Glucose O2 goes in ATP CO2 comes out 1 Done by mitochondria 2 Requires oxygen 3 Generates carbon dioxide as a waste 4 ATP energy generated during this process Respiratory System 1 Requires large moist surface area 2 Blood external environment interact 3 Exchange of O2 CO2 4 Gases dissolve in moisture easier then exchange no active oxygen transporters Ex Earthworms have well developed closed circulatory systems to carry gases throughout

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