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Organic and Biochemistry Aromatic nomenclature Use of ortho meta para For each structure shown give a good IUPAC name using traditional numbering Then if possible give a name using the omp system If it is not possible to use that system with a particular compound explain why not Check you answers For more complete instructions see Instructions above Part a IUPAC name Omp name Part b IUPAC name Omp name Part c IUPAC name Omp name Check you answers For more complete instructions see Instructions above Part d IUPAC name Omp name Part e IUPAC name Omp name Part f IUPAC name Omp name Write the correct IUPAC name for each of the following structures this exercise is for practice Cl Br 1 Br Br NO2 NO2 Cl CH3 NH2 F O C Cl H

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UM CHM 201 - Aromatic nomenclature

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