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Chapter 18 Social Media and Marketing 18 1 What Are Social Media Social media any tool or service that uses the internet to facilitate conversations Marketers do not control the content on social media sites The ability to share experiences quickly and with large numbers of people amplifies the impact of word of mouth Social media allow marketers to listen Social media provides sophisticated methods of measuring how marketers meet and interact with consumers than traditional advertising does Social media allows marketers to have much more direct and meaningful conversations with customers Social commerce a subset of e commerce that involves the interaction and user contribution aspects of social online media to assist online buying and selling of products and services Pinterest o Relies on user generated content on web sites to assist consumers with purchases Crowdsourcing using consumers to develop and market products 18 2 Creating and Leveraging a Social Media Campaign Owned media online content that an organization creates and controls purpose is to develop deeper relationships with customers Earned media a public relations term connoting free media such as mainstream media coverage Paid media content paid for by a company to be placed online To leverage all 3 types of media marketers must maximize owned media by reaching out beyond their existing web sites to create portfolios of digital touch points must recognize that aptitude at public and media relations no longer translates into earned media and must understand that paid media are not dead but should serve as a catalyst to drive customer engagement FIRST just listen Social media monitoring the process of identifying and assessing what is being said about a company individual product or brand Create social media objectives o Listen and learn build relationships and awareness promote products and services manage your reputation improve customer service 18 3 Evaluation and Measurement of Social Media Social media metrics to measure by o Buss volume of customer created buzz for a brand o Interest number of likes friends o Participation number of comments ratings o Search engine ranks and results o Influence media mentions o Sentiment analysis o Web site metrics clicks percentage of traffic 18 4 Social Behavior of Consumers Social media give people information allow people to stay in touch reinvented politics and civic engagement changed the advertising business 6 categories of social media users o Creators produce and share online content like blogs web sites o Critics post comments ratings and reviews of products on blogs o Collectors use feeds to collect info and vote for web sites online o Joiners maintain a social networking profile and visit other sites o Spectators read blogs listen to podcasts watch videos o In actives do none of the above 18 5 Social Media Tools Consumer and Corporate Generated Content Blogs micro blogs social networks media creation and sharing sites social news sites location based social networking sites review sites virtual worlds online gaming Blogs a publicly accessible web page that functions as an interactive journal Whereby readers can post comments on the author s entries o Corporate blogs blogs that are sponsored by a company or one of its brands and maintained by one or more of the company s employees aka professional blogs being replaced with Facebook Twitter Tumblr o Noncorporate blogs independent blogs that are not associated with the marketing efforts of any particular company or brand more authentic bc contain info not controlled by marketers Micro blogs blogs with strict post length limits o Twitter Tumblr Facebook s status updates o Can be used to build communities aid in customer service gain prospects increase awareness and raise funds Social networking sites web sites that allow individuals to contact or network with friends peers and business associates o Facebook largest and fastest growing o Hi5 catered to younger audiences o LinkedIn geared toward professionals multi media content like videos and photos o YouTube Flickr Media sharing sites web sites that allow users to upload and distribute Social news sites web sites that allow users to decide which content is promoted on a given web site by voting that content up or down Location based social networking sites web sites that combine the fun of social networking with the utility of location based GPS technology FourSquare Review sites web sites that allow consumers to post read rate and comment on opinions regarding all kinds of products and services Yelp Virtual worlds and online gaming o Farmville World of Warcraft Angry Birds 18 6 Social Media and Mobile Technology Mobile platform important marketing tool especially when targeting a younger audience Popularity of mobil marketing because o An effort to standardize mobile platforms has resulted in a low barrier to entry o There are more consumers than ever acclimating to once worrisome privacy and pricing policies o Effective at garnering consumer attention in real time because everyone carries around their phones o Measurable o Response rate is higher than that of traditional media types Mobile marketing tools o SMS short message service text messages o MMS multimedia message service allows attachment of videos o Mobile web sites designed for viewing on phones o Mobile ads advertisements integrated into text messages o Bluetooth marketing o Smartphone applications Near field communication uses small chips hidden in or behind products that when touched by compatible devices will transfer the information on the chip to the device QR quick response code takes the user to a specific site with content about or a discount for products services 18 7 The Social Media Plan 1 The listening stage 2 Set social media objectives can be specifically accomplished and measured 3 Define strategies 4 Identify the target audience 5 Select the tools and platforms 6 Implement and monitor the strategy

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UMD BMGT 350 - Chapter 18: Social Media and Marketing

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