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AR100 Midterm Maps Study Guide The Miocene 25 5 5 mya At the beginning of the Miocene the African plate makes its connection with the Eurasian Large interchanges of animals ensue Formation of the Mediterranean Sea Before this there was an open waterway called the Tethys Sea The Miocene The tectonic collision of the African and Eurasian plates also caused geologic instabilities resulting in the formation of the Great Rift Valley in the Middle East and Africa The Great Rift Valley has early hominid fossil sites Its geology is of particular interest to paleoanthropologists Out of Africa Homo erectus 1 8 mya Homo erectus leaves Africa 1 8 MYA Max Range Archaic Sapiens and Fully Modern Humans The The Fertile Crescent The area bordering the Zagros and Taurus Mts Wild wheat barley pig sheep and goats occur here the plants and animals domesticated in the Neolithic Ain Mallaha Israel 0 5 acre site located on a hill side at a spring in the Jordan Valley of Israel The site was near the resource rich swamps skirting Lake Huleh Abu Hureyra Syria Natufian 10 500 9 000 BC and Early Neolithic 9 000 6 000 BC site One of the largest Postglacial communities in the world 12 HA atal H y k Neolithic Europe Agriculture spreads to Europe from the Near East around 4000 BC we call this cultural diffusion Neolithic Europe Some scholars link the Neolithic in Europe to the spread of Indo European farming populations from Turkey or Central Asia to neighboring regions this is based on linguistic analysis Early Megaliths As early as 9000 BC megaliths were build in Turkey early Neolithic at Nevali Cori and G bekli Tepe Neolithic in Europe sees the widespread construction of megaliths between 4000 1500 BC Development of regional styles

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