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Stephanie Kubota Professor Mendillo February 27 2014 Homework 3 1 My Personal Space Time Diagram a b c My schedule on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays 12 00PM In my third floor room at 74 Ashford Street 12 05PM Inside third floor bathroom at 74 Ashford Street 12 10PM 12 15PM Inside my room 74 Ashford Street 12 20PM In second floor kitchen at 74 Ashford Street 12 25PM Walking toward Packard s Corner at Malvern Street 12 30PM Waiting for the train or bus at Packard s Corner 12 35PM Enter train or bus at Packard s corner 12 40PM Train or bus drive alone Commonwealth Avenue BU West 12 45PM Get off train or bus at BU Central 700 Comm Ave 12 50PM Mingle with friends outside Tsai Auditorium 12 55PM Take elevator towards 5th floor of CAS Building 1 00PM Take a seat at the front row of CAS 522 1 50PM Leave CAS 522 and head towards nearest elevator 1 55PM Head towards GSU 775 Commonwealth Avenue 2 00PM Order a meal at the Food Court of the GSU Distance of particular locations away form the podium of CAS 522 74 Ashford Street 1 9 miles 10 032 feet away from CAS 522 Packard s Corner 1 7 miles 8 976 feet away from CAS 522 BU Central Stop 0 1 mile 528 feet away from CAS 522 Tsai Auditorium 20 feet away from CAS 522 Seat near front row 5 feet away from podium of CAS 522 Check the graph behind Homework 3 handout 2 Travel at 1 g Acceleration a v 3 108 sec 0 75 225 000 000 sec a 10m sec2 v at t v a 225 000 000 sec 10m sec2 22 500 000 seconds b c D 1 2gt2 1 2 10 sec2 22 500 0002 10 sec2 506 250 000 000 000 2 5 062 500 000 000 000 2 2 531 250 000 000 000 meters 2 531 250 000 000 kilometers D 2 531 250 000 000 kilometers 149 597 871 Astronomical Units Since the new Virgin Galactic spaceship is accelerating it implies that the velocity is not constant speed is increasing Therefore the equation D V T cannot be used to compute the distance traveled Distances of the edges of the Solar System the Galaxy and the Observable Universe from Earth DPluto 7 5 billion kilometers DEdge of galaxy 8 5 parsecs 1 753 251 Astronomical Units DEdge of Observable Universe 4 billion light years 8 9 1014 Astronomical Units Therefore we are still within the Solar System

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