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Stephanie Kubota Professor Mendillo AS100 A5 February 14 2013 Homework 2 1 Chapter 8 page 232 problem 50 8 planets 50 probability that planets orbit in either direction x 0 5 8 0 00390625 0 391 2 Chapter 8 page 232 problem 51 Angular Momentum mvr v 5km h r 40 000 AU 5 98391483 1012 mv 5 909 109km m 5km h 5 984 1012km v 5 909 109km 5km h 5 984 1012km v 5km h 5 984 1012km 5 909 109km v 5 063 46km h 3 Chapter 3 page 82 problem 50 P 76 years Orbital eccentricity 0 97 a a 3 p2 3 76 2 17 94 AU b i Perihelion a 1 e 17 94AU 1 0 97 0 5382AU ii Aphelion a 1 e 17 94AU 1 0 97 35 34AU

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