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PSY 100 Fall 2013 1 Thinking Chapter 7 1 I Cognitive Psychology I area of psych that explores how we acquire knowledge II Thinking III Mental Image I mental representation manipulation of information II picture or representation of an event in the mind s eye IV Help us perform cognitive functions V mental imagery not limited to visual stimulus remembering directions solve problems III IV V VI audio taste II Concepts II mental categories we use to group objects VI logical concepts VII natural concept I clear defined rules for membership II poorly defined rules for membership III Hierarchies of Concepts II superordinate concept II vehicle PSY 100 Fall 2013 2 VIII basic level concept III car IX subordinate concept IV suv sedan X narrowing and refining concepts V VI positive enstances motorcycle for vehicle negative instances motorcycle for car IV Problem Solving III emplying mental strategies to solve problems XI trial and error XII Insight problem solving II eureka Moment V Algorithm IV step by step rules for solving a problem VI Heuristics V rules of thumbs XIII XIV mental shortcuts backward working heuristics II start with then collect data to see if is supported XV create subgoals VII Mental Roadblocks VII breakdown of a large problem into smaller parts PSY 100 Fall 2013 3 VI tendency to rely on mental strategies that worjed in the past but dont work for the current problem XVI Functional fixedness II inability to use objects in new ways XVII A fix for a roadblock VIII incubation period VIII representativeness Heuristic classifying something based on how similar it is to a typical case IX avaliability Heuristic classifying something based on how much information is given and with what answer it is more likely to match 600 people are sick there are two types of medicines a will get 200 people better b will kill 400 Same odds with both medicine X Framing XI Creativity VII Thinking that II IX leads to original practical meaningful solutions generates new ideas or artistic expressions XVIII distinct from general intelligence XIX measure by divergent thinking XX Cognitive processes underlying creativity X metaphor and analogy PSY 100 Fall 2013 4 XI XII conceptual combination conceptilual expansion

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