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2b systems with no enolizable Hs ketones as nucleophiles iii Slow reagent addition 3 Intramolecular aldol reactions 18 7 5 and 6 membered rings are favored VI Properties of alpha beta unsaturated carbonyls 18 8 1 Enones are more stable than the saturated species bc of resonance suggests electrophile beta carbon A Non conjugated enones will walk into conjugation 2 Enones undergo typical reactions of alkenes and carbonyls 3 Conjugate additions 18 9 A Nucleophilic addition to an enone B Weak nucleophiles will add 1 4 thermodynamic control makes most stable species amines alcohols CN enolates alkoxides C Strong nucleophiles add 1 2 18 10 organolithiums RMgX add both kinetic control usually form unstable products hydrides add 1 2 with aldehydes D Organocuprates add R 1 4 E Double alkylation 4 The Michael Addition 18 11 Enolate addition to enones 1 4 forms 1 5 dicarbonyl compounds

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