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Joints Classified according to function and extent of movement 1 Continuous No movement synarthroses Tissue between bones classified according to tissue a Fibrous joints i Collagen fibers ii Interosseous iii Examples structures of skull Gomphosis between teeth and alveolar border Periodontal between tooth and bone Ligamentum flavum between vertebral arches b Cartiliginous joings i Primary hyaline cartilage between bones 1 Epiphyseal plates between epiphysis diaphysis 2 Fuse to each other in process called synostosis ii Secondary Bones covered in hyaline cartilage flat disk of fibrocartilage in 2 Discontinuous joints diarthroses or synovial joints between a Aricular surface covered by hyaline or fibrocartilage b Articular capsule fibrous membrane outer layer synovial membrane inner layer Classification of Synovial Joints 1 Number of articular surfaces a Simple 2 articular surfaces b Compound 3 articular surfaces 2 Axes monoaxial biaxial multiaxial 3 Degree of freedom 1 degree 2 degrees 3 degrees all 4 Shape Hinge ginglymus Axes Monoaxial Pivot trochoid Monoaxial Plane Ellipsoidal Multiaxial 2 DOF 1 restricted by two collateral ligaments 1 Saddle sellar Multiaxial 2 Ball and socket Multiaxial Movements Flexion Extension Examples Interphalangeal Ankle Proximal distal radioulnar Zygoapophyseal Radiocarpal First metacarpal joint Hip joint Supination Pronation Gliding Flexion extension abduction adduction circumduction Flexion extension abduction adduction circumduction Flexion extension adduction abduction medial lateral rotation circumduction 2 2 3 Joints of the Upper Limb Shoulder Joint Shoulder Girdle Sternoclavicular Between head of humerus and glenoid cavity Ball and socket with an articular lip Multiaxial 3 degrees of freedom Movements flexion extension abduction adduction medial rotation lateral rotation and circumduction Ligaments coracohumeral 3 glenohumeral ligaments Rotator cuff muscles strengthen it Acromioclavicular Between acromion process of spine of scapula and acromial end of clavicle Plane joint Between sternal end of clavicle and sternum articular disk in between Ball and socket behaves like saddle joint 3 degrees of freedom Movements elevation and depression of shoulder protraction retraction and circumduction Three joints Humerolateral hinge joint Humeroradial ball and socket doesn t behave so Humeroulnar Movement flexion extension of elbow supination and pronation of forearm Ligaments medial ulnar and lateral radial collateral ligaments Proximal radioulnar joint pivot joint interosseous in between Distal radioulnar joint pivot joint between head of ulna and ulnar notch of ulna pronation and supination Radius articular disk proximal row of carpal bones Ellipsoid joint Movements abduction adduction flexion dorsiflexion circumduction Ligaments ulnar collateral ligament radial collateral ligament palmar and dorsal radiocarpal ligaments palmar ulnocarpal ligament and others Little gliding movement between first row plane joints no movement between second row First metacarpal between trapezium and metacarpal bone of thumb Saddle joint Movements abduction adduction opposition repostition circumduction of Between other metacarpal joints limited movement Ball and socket Movements partly restricted due to collateral ligaments passive rotation Hinge joints Restricted movements flexion and extension Between head of femur and acetabulum of hip bone Ball and socket articular lip Innervation sciatic n femoral n and obturator n Movement flexion extension adduction abduction rotation circumduction Ligaments 5 4 extracapsular iliofemoral ischiofemoral pubofemoral Restrict abduction adduction rotation Orbicular zone ligament lies around neck of femur Elbow Joint Joints between Radius and Ulna Wrist Radiocarpal Joint Carpometacarpal Joints thumb Metacarpophalangea l Joints Interphalangeal Joints Hip Joint Ligament of the head of the femur extends between acetabulum and femur Has acetebular branch of obturator artery important for blood flow Hinge bicondylar Two menisci between tibia and femur Intrinsic ligaments anterior prevents porterior sliding of the femur provides medial rotation locks knee in extension and posterior prevents anterior displacement cruciate ligaments transverse ligaments Knee Joint Ankle Joint Monoaxial hinge joint

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UCF ZOO 3733C - Joints

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