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Jeopardy Review 3 18 14 1 The only crime stated in the Constitution of the United States is Treason 2 There are 7 articles and 27 amendments in the United States constitution 3 A wrong against society is a crime 4 Contract law is not considered public law 5 If a manufacturer of widgets agrees to manufacturer 1 000 widgets for public sale knowing that widgets cost 3 000 to make however at the time of delivery the price of making widgets jumps to 9 000 The market price for widgets before the price spiked was 5 000 What is the price of widgets now 9 000 Why Merchants must act in good fair as stated in the Uniform Commercial Code 6 A case of first impression is a case in which has never been seen before by a 7 The mailbox rules states that as soon as you put you acceptance in the mail court you have accepted the offer 8 Children can back out of contracts due to Capacity 9 An alimony is an award of money to a former spouse However palimony is when two people live together but are not married and agree to share assets 10 Quid Pro Quo refers to contracts 11 Negligence is the failure to do what a person who is considered reasonable would have done in the same situation 12 Consideration must have something for each party you cannot say out of my love for you I will give you 200 not consideration 13 Intangible property is property that is not a physical object where as tangible property is a physical object 14 Criminal intent is also know as Mens Rea 15 Consideration for a contract includes the following the parties intent to incur all legal responsibility pertaining to the agreement both parties must get something out of the agreement and the agreement must have legal value 16 The sections of private law include tort property law contract law and 17 Under status and process out of these three groups who would be most family law likely to be protected by the law a A Government official b A homeless man c A married couple 18 A private civil wrong is considered a tort 19 A concurring opinion is one that agrees but for different reasons 20 Precedent determines most cases outcomes 21 An appellant is the person who lost the case in the lower court 22 A caption identifies the parties in a lawsuit 23 What is a bailment When you give someone your property to hold and you come back and it is gone or damages not in the condition you left it in

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TEMPLE LGLS 1101 - Study Guide

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