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Human Resource Management Exam 2 Review PLANNING RECRUITING SELECTION CHAPTERS 5 6 Tools for HR Planning head count reports classifications workforce utilization review affirmative planning retirement programs Employment Classifications Part time workers work year round less than 40 hours on average per week no breaks in service Seasonal workers work for a short period of time Work is triggered by some event project surge in labor demand etc Must be a significant break in service more then 6 weeks off Full time workers work year round 40 hours a week or more no breaks in service Non exempt employees are employees who because of the type of duties performed the usual level of decision making authority ad the method of compensation hourly or piece rate are subject to all Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA provisions including the payment of overtime Exempt employee must earn at least 455 00 per week perform certain duties and have a higher level of decision making authority Employment Relationships contract vs employee at will In employment at will policies either the employer or the employee can sever the relationship at anytime subject to a notification provision which is often two weeks In a contract situation the employment is guaranteed for the life of the contract and then must be renegotiated once the contract expires Union employees are often under contract as well as other specialized jobs like professional athletes and most business executives Reliability is the degree to which a measure of physical or cognitive abilities or traits is free random from error If a measure of some supposedly stable characteristic such as intelligence is reliable then the score a person receives based on that measure would be consistent over time and in different contexts Validity is the extent to which a performance measure assesses all the relevant and only the relevant aspects of job performance Criterion related validation a method of establishing the validity of a personal selection method by showing a substantial correlation between test scores and job performance on the job The types include o Predictive validation a criterion related study that seeks to establish an empirical relationships between applicants test scores and their eventual performance on the job o Concurrent validation a criterion related validity study in which a test is administer to all of the people currently in a job Content validation is a test validation strategy performed by demonstrating that the items questions or problems posed by a test are representative sample of the kinds of situations or problems that occur on the job A test that is content valid exposes the job applicant to situations that are likely to occur the job and then tests whether the applicant currently has sufficient knowledge skill or ability to hand such situations o 2 limitations to content validation 1 The person who is hired must have the knowledge skills or abilities at the time he or she is hired and 2 Subjective judgment plays such a large role in content validation Employment Selection Procedures Selection Interviews applicant s qualifications for employment The worst Commonly assessed abilities Cognitive ability test a dialogue initiated by one or more persons to gather information and evaluate the differentiates individuals based on their mental rather than physical capacities o Verbal comprehension o Quantities ability o Reasoning ability simulate a job in miniaturized form categorize individuals by their personality characteristics Personal inventories Work samples An individual should manage their digital identity the same way they manage their r sum References biographical data and applications gather background information on candidates Physical ability tests are relevant for predicting job performance occupational injuries and disabilities Physical ability tests include Muscular tension power and endurance Cardiovascular endurance Flexibility Balance Coordination TRAINING PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CHAPTERS 7 8 Know the types of training needs analysis Needs assessment refers to the process used to determine if training is necessary There are often pressure points that may suggest that training is necessary text Figure 7 2 Determines the appropriateness of training given the company s business Organizational analysis strategy and resources Determines whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge skill or Person analysis ability who needs training and employee readiness for training emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks Task analysis Identifies the important tasks and knowledge skills and behaviors that need to be A needs assessment usually involves organizational analysis person analysis and task analysis involves determining the business appropriateness of training given the Organizational analysis company s business strategy its resources available for training and support by managers and peers for training activities It is necessary to identify whether the company has the budget time and expertise for training learning are person characteristics input output consequences and feedback helps identify who needs training factors that influence employees performance and Person analysis Person characteristics refer to the employees knowledge skill ability and attitudes Input relates to the instructions that tell employees what how and when to perform Input also refers to the support given to employees to help them perform Output refers to the job s performance standards Consequences are the incentives employees receive for performing well Person analysis involves 1 determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of Feedback is the information employees receive while they are performing knowledge skill or ability a training issue or from a motivational or work design problem 2 identifying who needs training and 3 determining employees readiness for training Task analysis includes identifying the important tasks and knowledge skill and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employees to complete their tasks Transfer of training Transfer of training refers to the use of knowledge skills and behaviors learned in training on the job Training methods Selecting Training Methods Survey results indicate that instructor led classroom workbooks and manuals and videos are the most frequently used training methods Presentation Methods o Instructor led classroom instruction o

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