Lauren Hedrick November 7th 2013 Gender Inequality in the Workplace Labor Force Participate People who are employed or looking for jobs o For every dollar a man makes a women typically makes only 80 cents o Women in the United States participation is around 59 Middle compared to other countries Labor force is affected by culture and public policy o Before WWII there were far more men in participation it had been gradually declining available for men The number of women is increasing therefore less jobs o After WWII the number if women participating is gradually increasing The cost of living is going up Technological advanced More jobs available o The percentage of women graduating with college degrees is higher than the percentage of men graduating with college degrees Gender Inequality in Pay In the 1800 s women were earning only 45 50 of what males were earning o Revolution 1 Mid nineteenth century the increase in the use in machinery the productivity of women what thought to be less than that of men o Revolution 2 Late 20th century narratives made discrimination harder and harder Economic Narrative Organization Narrative Political Narrative Cultural Narrative o Now women make 80 cents for every dollar that a man makes this has been the case since the 1990 s Can it be explained by racial gaps in pay No There is a gender gap in every racial group Is it compounded by age cohorts Yes the younger the age group the smaller the gap in pay based on gender Are highly educated exempt from this disadvantage No There is still always a gap between the men and women and their average pay o Why is there a gap in pay of men and women Gender discrimination The Equal Pay Act of 1963 This act states that you must pay the same wages to people preforming the exact same job Why is there still a gender gap in pay Occupation Gender Segregation Employers place men and women in completely different types of jobs Lauren Hedrick November 7th 2013 o Example Nurses are primarily women and auto mechanics are primarily men o All societies have varying degrees of gender segregation o The occupations that men and women tend to choose differ by countries The Glass Ceiling The concept that once you reach a certain level you cannot be promoted any farther no matter what though you cannot see this o The number of women who are top executives and board directors has increased from the past but it is still more difficult for women to gain these positions o Sheryl Sandberg Why We Have Too Few Women Leader Sheryl Sandberg the second in control for the company Facebook o What are the factors holding women back Thoughts of having children Less pressure on women to be successful Pressure on women to be homemakers Men are more confident in themselves Motherhood Penalty Because women have children role differentiation in the home having children lessen the pay that a woman would typically earn o About 5 pay reduction per child they have o Interruptions in a career for maternity leave o Perceived productivity of mothers is thought to be less than that of women who have no children Gender Inequality Study in Self Assessment When both men and women take assessments in math in even elementary school even men are more likely to tell someone that they got a better grade than they actually did The Second Shift is where women are working and they also have a family at home The share of housework in dual earning families is typically never equal o Women do twice the housework o Women also do three times the amount of childcare Gender Inequality Supply Side Pool of candidates for high level managerial positions is overwhelmingly male o These supply chain problems can generate a false glass ceiling even when there is an absence of any discrimination o Discrimination Lauren Hedrick November 7th 2013 Explicit Discrimination o Promotion Statistical Discrimination Implicit Discrimination In group favoritism Men at the top typically favor men and are more likely to promote men than they are women Customer Preference Since employers have to satisfy their customers and most of the time a customer feels as if a man is more professional therefore they hire a male
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