Format 42 multiple choice questions covering the following 2 pts Each Midterm 1 o Introduction to Organizational Behavior o Perceptual Devices o Building Effective Teams o Leadership o Team Decision Making including Everest o Motivation 2 short essay questions 8 pts Each Introduction to Organizational Behavior 1 What is an Organization a Organization A consciously organized social unit composed of 2 people systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis i Has a Management Structure 1 Determines relationships between functions and positions 2 Subdivides and delegates roles responsibilities and authority to carry out defined tasks boundaries ii Open Systems The organizations affects and is affected by the environment beyond its 1 Affects and affected by factors such as technology people different tasks and the b Types of Organizations external environment i Formal Organization Official legitimate and most visible part of the organization ii Informal Organization Unofficial less visible but not less important 1 Example Beliefs perceptions informal leaders etc 2 Hawthorne Studies Concerned with the importance of informal organizations a Conducted in the 1920 s and 1930 s iii Formal and informal elements of an organization can sometimes conflict 2 Why Do We Need Organizations a Satisfies the need for efficiency b Organizations are fundamental to human adaptation c Organizations lead to specialization i Specialization is key to modern economic enterprise d Complex organizations require management to operate 3 Why OB a OB Key to Successes i Successful Management ii Successful Leadership iii Successful Organizations iv Enlightened Management b Challenges Opportunities Increasing competition i ii Globalization iii Customer focus on high quality iv Workforce diversity v Need for flexibility adaptability 1 Learning organizations 2 Employees who are agile learners key competency c OB Model i 4 Evidence Based Management a A Way of Thinking i Attitude of Wisdom Knowing what you know and knowing what you don t know ii Being committed to fact based and evidence based action b Running Experiments and Learning from the Data c Knowing what the theory and evidence is and using it in formulating decisions and policies d Example Harrah s Casino Video i Conventional Wisdom in the Gaming Industry 1 High rollers are an importance source of profits 2 Free rooms are a great way of attracting customers 3 Building beautiful edifices with convention and meeting space is a good way to attract business ii The Actual Facts 4 Make casinos and their hotels more family friendly to draw in business 1 Free chips and meals are more important than free rooms most frequent gamblers live nearby 2 Family with young children have neither much discretionary income or time 3 Most profits come from regular players of slot machines not from high rollers 4 Investing in data bases and statistical packages to analyze experiments and in HR practices such as realistic job previews and more training to cut turnover and provide better service provides a much better return than building palaces e Types of Evidence Based Management i Scientific Management 1 Data driven 2 Rigorous analytic methods which are replicable ideally quantifiable 3 Application of technology ii Scientific Grounding 1 Scientific Method Basis for Prediction Management 2 Scientific Processes Iterative Empirical Theoretical Relevance 5 All information is on pages 46 53 6 KNOW Two Women Three Men on a Raft 7 KNOW Columbia Disaster case Perception 1 What is Perception a Perception A process by which individuals organize their sensory inputs in order to give meaning to their environments b Social Perception The process of interpreting information about another person i Dependent on 3 Factors 1 Characteristics of Perceiver 2 Characteristics of Target 3 Characteristics of Situation 2 Perceptual Devices viewpoints a Selective Perception Tendency to infer information which only supports our own personal b First Impression Error Primacy Effect Using limited information obtained in first encounter c Schema Scripts Categorizations and descriptions of the characteristic features of people to infer what a person is really like situations etc d Self Fulfilling Prophecy Pygmalion Effect Provoking the response we expect in other people i Prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true e Projection False Consensus Effect Assuming that our beliefs and values are commonly held and normative overestimation of commonality f Halo Effect Drawing a general impression about an individual on the basis of a single characteristic i Can be either positive or negative encountered people g Contrast Effect Your evaluation of people is affected by comparisons with other recently 3 Attributions Explaining causes of behavior a Self Serving Bias If we fail we hold the situation accountable If we succeed we hold ourselves accountable i Explains differences between achievement failure oriented individuals 4 Mental Models a Mental Models Implicit generalizations simplifications or theories about the world i World People businesses environment customers organizations etc ii Models are powerful in influencing how we see decide act and thus conduct our behavior b Models can be problematic when they are i Outdated No longer match reality ii Left Unexamined Cannot be openly examined iii Widely and or Strongly Held Cannot examine alternate models 5 Truth About Perception a Positives promptly b Negatives i Our world is too complex for us to handle as is ii Perceptual devices help us process information efficiently and generate responses iii Perception enables and guides our judgment decisions and actions i Our perceptions often fail to match our reality ii Many decision failures in organizations simply come from the mismatch between decision maker s perceived and actual reality 6 Stereotypes a Stereotypes Generalizations about a group of people Improves the efficiency of our thinking Increase in strength when shared with and validated by others i ii b Negatives i Result in Self Fulfilling Prophecy We become the stereotype ii Leads to Stereotype Threat We put effort into acting the opposite of the stereotype 7 Implications for OB a People hold implicit generalizations about other people in organizations which in many cases b By doing this intentionally or unintentionally they exclude other people as well as precious are untrue
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