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Organic Compounds 40 of body mass C and H Carbon covalently binds with H O N S Carbon is especially versatile carbon backbones carry a variety of functional groups that give it more function specific chemical properties Hydroxyl OH polar hydrophilic Methyl CH non polar hydrophobic Carboxyl COOH polar O H is a weak bond Amino NH polar Phosphate H PO non polar Polymers molecules made of a repetitive series of identical or similar subunits monomers Polymerization joining of monomers forms dimer dehydration synthesis or condensation Digestion breaking of polymers hydrolysis Carbohydrates ose C H O Monosaccharides simple sugars Glucose Galactose Fructose Ribose Deoxiribose Disaccharides 2 Fructose Sucrose sugar cane beets table sugar Glucose Galactose Lactose milk sugar Glucose Maltose product of starch digestion Oligosaccharides 10 20 Polysaccharides long chains of 50 Glycogen energy storage glucose Produced by liver muscles brain uterus vagina Starch energy storage of plants The only significant digestible polysaccharide Cellulose dietary fiber Reinforces cell walls of plants Non digestible Functions Carbohydrate convert to glucose then oxidize to make ATP At the external surface of cell membrane conjugate with lipids glycolipids cell surface coat Large carbohydrate small protein proteoglycan cell adhesion lubricates joint etc and proteins glycoproteins mucus Lipids C O H High H low O non polar Fatty acid Carboxyl group 4 to 24 carbon atoms methyl group Saturated as much H as it can carry Unsaturated some C C bonds Polyunsaturated many C C bonds Trans fats artificially saturated unsaturated fats Essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized by human body must be obtained from the diet Triglyceride 3 fatty acids covalently bonded to glycerol neutral fats Stores energy In adipose tissue provides cushion and thermal insulation Phospholipid 2 fatty acids glycerol phosphate group that links to functional group Amphiphilic structural foundation of cell membranes still fluid moves Eicosanoids 20 carbon compounds derived from arachidonic fatty acid Prostaglandin 5 carbon ring Signaling roles in inflammation hormone action blood clotting airways and blood vessel dilation reduce pain etc Leukotrienes allergy and inflammatory responses Steroids 17 carbons arranged in 4 rings Cholesterol parent steroid Stabilizes animals cell membranes over high variety of temperatures 85 is synthesized by our liver Cortisol progesterone estrogen testosterone bile acids Proteins polypeptide of 50 amino acids Amino acid amino and carboxyl group bound to a central C atom The 20 amino acids that make proteins only differ in a radical group attached to the central C atom Peptide 2 amino acids joined by a peptide bond dehydration synthesis Structure Conformation three dimensional shape Denaturation drastic change Primary protein s sequence of amino acids that is encoded in the genes Secondary coiled or folded by hydrogen bonds Alpha helix or pleated sheet May fold back on itself Tertiary further bending and folding hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions Also Van der Waals forces play a significant role here Ionic hydrogen bonds Disulfide bridges covalent etc Quaternary association of 2 polypeptide chains Prosthetic group example heme in hemoglobin Functions Structure keratin nails hair skin collagen dermis bones cartilage teeth Communication some hormones receptors ligand hormone that binds to protein Transport channels carriers in membranes also example hemoglobin oxygen transport Catalysts enzymes globular proteins Recognition and protection immune function ex Glycoproteins clotting antibodies Movement contractile change shape repeatedly Cell adhesion bind cells tissues immune cells to cancer cells sperm to egg Enzymes ase Can have 2 active sites Enzyme substrate complex Very specific Remains unchanged 2 3 need a cofactor inorganic or coenzyme organic cofactor Temperature pH salts can cause denaturation Nucleotides single double C N ring nitrogenous base monosaccharide phosphate groups ATP adenine ribose 3 phosphate Energy transfer molecule stores very briefly 60 sec Removal of phosphate group releases energy

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MGC BIOL 1114K - Organic Compounds

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