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Chapter 1 Atlas A Introduction 1 Define anatomy and physiology and their subdivisions Anatomy is the study of structure Embryology Histology Radiology etc Physiology is the study of function Endocrinology Immunology etc 2 Describe the relationship between form and function Form and function complement each other The very molecules are structured in ways that enable them to carry out their functions Slight changes in molecular structures can destroy their activity and threaten life 3 Define the levels of structural organization in the human body Atoms Molecules Organelles microscopic structures in a cell carry out separate functions Cells smallest unit of an organism that carries out all basic functions of life Tissue a mass of similar cells and products form a discrete region of an organ Organ 2 tissue types definite boundaries specific functions Organ system group of organs with unique collective function Organism 4 Identify the principle systems of the human body and list the main organs and functions of each system Organ System Principal organs Functions Integument ary Skin hair nail cutaneous glands Protection water retention thermoregulation Vitamin D synthesis cutaneous sensation nonverbal communication Support movement protective enclosure of viscera Blood formation mineral storage Skeletal Bones cartilages ligaments Muscular Skeletal muscles Nervous Brain spinal cord nerves ganglia Endocrine Pituitary pineal adrenal thyroid parathyroid glands Thymus pancreas testes ovaries Hormone production Internal chemical communication and coordination Circulatory Heart blood vessels Lymphatic Lymph nodes lymphatic vessels thymus spleen tonsils Respiratory Nose pharynx larynx trachea bronchi lungs Urinary Kidneys ureters urinary bladder urethra Electrolyte and acid base balance Movement stability communication Control of body openings Heat production Rapid internal communication Coordination motor control Sensation Distribution of nutrients wastes hormones antibodies etc Acid base balance Recovery of excess tissue fluid Detection of pathogens production of immune cells defense against disease Absorption of oxygen discharge of CO2 Acid base balance Speech Elimination of wastes Regulation of blood volume and pressure Stimulation of RBC formation Control of fluid electrolyte acid base balance Detoxification Digestive Theeth tongue salivary glands esophagus stomach intestines liver Nutrient breakdown and absorption Synthesis of plasma gallbladder pancreas Reproductiv e male Reproductiv e female Testes epididymides spermatic ducts seminal vesicles prostate gland bulbourethral glands penis Ovaries uterine tubes uterus vagina mammary glands proteins Disposal of drugs toxins hormones Cleansing of blood Production and delivery of sperm Secretion of sex hormones Production of eggs Fertilization Fetal development nourishment Birth Lactation Secretion of sex hormones 5 Describe the processes that distinguish living organisms from non living Biological viewpoint Organization order Cellular order 2 cells Metabolism internal chemical change ana catabolism excretion Responsiveness to stimuli Movement Homeostasis Development Differentiation Specialization diff cells Growth diff functions Reproduction Evolution 6 Describe homeostasis and provide a biological example The body s function to detect change activate mechanisms to oppose it maintain relatively stable condition Thermoregulation blood sugar levels blood pressure 7 Distinguish between intracellular and extracellular fluids Extracellular fluid Matrix surrounds the cells The medium from which cells obtain oxygen nutrients etc and into which Intracellular fluid clear gel inside a molecule that embeds cytoskeleton organelles and inclusions release waste hormones etc 8 Describe the significance of maintaining the body s internal environment The loss of homeostatic control can cause illness and death 9 Describe the general mechanism the nervous and endocrine systems use to maintain the internal environment Two regulating systems regulate each other Different types of control Endocrine whole body function slower does better with long term control 10 Define the components of a feedback system and explain their role in homeostatic regulation of specific conditions Receptor structure that senses a change in the body Integrating control center processes information relates it to info and makes a decision about what other available appropriate response should be Effector the cell or organ that carries out the final corrective action 11 Describe the difference in purpose and operation of negative and positive feedback systems Positive feedback is a self amplifying cycle in which a physiological change direction rather than producing the feedback Frequently can be a harmful or even life threatening cycle fever leads to even greater change in the same corrective effects of negative 12 Be able to identify examples of positive and negative feedback systems Positive giving birth blood clotting protein digestion generation of nerve signals 13 14 Explain the relationship of homeostasis and disease Describe the anatomical position 15 Compare common and anatomical terms used to describe various regions of the human body 16 Define anatomical planes and sections used in association with the human body Saggital plane Frontal coronal plane Transverse horizontal plane 17 Define directional terms used to describe relationships of body structures p 31 18 Define body cavity 19 Describe the boundaries and location of the various body cavities Cranial cavity Vertebral canal are continuous with each other and are lined with Meninges 3 layered Thoracic cavity vessels esophagus trachea bronchi thymus Mediastinum region b w the lungs heart major blood Pleural cavities 2 Pleurae 2 layered parietal and Pericardial cavity Pericardium 2 layered parietal and visceral visceral Abdominopelvic cavity Abdominal cavity digestive organs spleen kidneys and Pelvic cavity bladder rectum reproductive organs Peritoneum 2 layered Retroperitoneal Intraperotoneal position Visceral peritoneum Serosa wraps forms outer layer of organs Posterior mesentery infolding of peritoneum Anterior mesentery after wrapping around the intestines toward the anterior body wall fatty continues membrane greater omentum 20 Name the subdivisions of the dorsal and ventral body cavities and list the organs contained within each of them 21 Distinguish between visceral and parietal serous membranes 22 Point out the

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MGC BIOL 1114K - Chapter 1

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