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August 26 2013 Biology Scientific Method Observation Hypothesis potential explanation for an observed phenomena should be testable and falsifiable Prediction provides a context by which your experiments will be run to accept or deny your hypothesis supplies evidence Experimentation Testing Results Conclusion and Peer Review Scientific Hypothesis Potential explanation for something Scientific Theory Accepted as fact Explains why something occurs Germ Theory of Disease explains why humans get sick Scientific Law A fixed observation gravity the object will be pulled towards the center of the other objects mass Humans get sick THESE ARE NOT A PERSONAL GUESS Metric System Most common system in the world not used by general public in US Measurements based on powers of 10 No fractions for partial measurements ONLY DECIMALS USED Smaller o Centi 100 o Milli 1 000 o Micro 1 000 000 Larger o Kilo 1 000 Biology Prefixes Mono 1 Di 2 Tri 3 Quadra 4 Penta 5 Hexa 6 Septo 7 Octa 8 Novem 9 Deca 10 Linear measurements o Meter m 1 m 100 centimeters 1000 millimeters 1 000 000 micrometers Volume measurements o Liter l 1 l 100 centiliters 1 000 milliliters 1 000 000 microliters Mass measurements o Gram g 1 g 100 centigrams 1000 milligrams 1 000 000 micrograms Standard Unit of temperature in Celsius 0 C freezing point 100 C boiling point F 1 8 x C 32 C F 32 1 8 August 28 2013 1 in 2 54 m Inductive Reasoning July 1991 Executive Order 12770 Metric Usage in Federal Government Programs Two companies building space products pieces didn t match up Type of Reasoning that results in a general rule based on the analysis of Ex 1 you are sitting inside and hear screeching tires shattering glass and specific individual instances crunching metal What happened o Car accident Each data point fits together to prove that there was a car accident With only one of the data points you probably wouldn t come to the same conclusion Broken window or slamming on brakes instead The general rule your conclusion is based on the analysis of specific individual instances that point to one perhaps encompassing conclusion o Details Deductive Reasoning Type of reasoning that makes use of known general rules or known phenomena to predict results and events o Kind of a process of elimination Ex 1 four males are talking there are 3 sons and their father they are 58 30 28 and 20 years old o Which one is the father 58 year old options Basically the result your conclusion is derived by eliminating the incorrect o You know what something is by knowing what it is not Water Essential to life o Cells 90 water o Adult Body 60 water o Brain 70 water o Blood 82 water o Lungs 90 water A 3 water loss BAD could make on of these things not function properly A 10 water loss life threatening dehydration Water H2O Osmosis movement of water across membrane o Movement is influenced by solutes o 2 solutions 1 of 3 states 1 in cell 1 around cell o Isotonic the same or equal inside outside of the cell o Hypotonic the concentration outside the cell is lower than inside the cell the cell o Hypertonic the concentration outside the cell is higher than inside o If inside the cell is hypo outside will be hyper If inside is hyper outside with be hypo Get in group of 4 5 or 6 Meet in a group Pick a group team name 3 homework set on Carmen about osmosis Bring to class next wed C1V1 C2V2 C3V3

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OSU BIOLOGY 1101 - Lecture notes

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