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Week 1 Learning Objectives Understand the 5 characteristics of living things o Organized in a specific way o Need and acquire energy o Maintain internal consistency homeostasis o Reproduce grow and develop o Populations evolve Understand the concept of homeostasis and why it s important o Maintaining of internal consistency o Required for living cells to function properly Know what an adaption is and what effects adaptations have on survival and reproduction o Inherited characteristics that enables an organism to successfully survive and reproduce Know the steps of the scientific method from observations to conclusions o Survival of the fittest o Make observations o Ask a question o Hypothesis o Prediction o Design and conduct experiment o Collect data o Analyze results and draw conclusions o Publish results Know what a theory is and how that is different from hypothesis o Hypothesis tentative often narrow explanation regarding the natural world Must me testable and falsifiable o Theory a well substantiated explanation of some aspect o the natural world A unifying explanation Ideas about which scientists are most certain Know that organic molecules are made up of C and H Understand how atoms link together electrons determine chemical bonding o Share electrons from their outer shells o All atoms want their outer most electron shell full Know the four main types of organic molecules o Carbohydrates Simplest of the main organic molecules Used as a source of energy and structural molecules Monomers monosaccharides glucose and ribose Rich in energy good for long time energy storage Polymers disaccharides o Lipids Insoluble in water Many C H bonds Monomers fatty acids Polymers triglycerides o Proteins A chain of amino acids Monomers amino acids Polymers polypeptides o Nucleic Acids More functions in the cell than any other type of molecule Storage and transmission of genetic information Monomers nucleotides Polymers DNA and RNA carbohydrates nutrients or fiber hydrogenated Understand the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates and how living things use o Simple carbohydrates are quick energy sources but they do not usually supply any other o Complex carbohydrates often supply energy and other nutrients and fiber that the body needs Understand the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats and what it means to be o Saturated straight fatty acids packed together tightly solid and room temperature o Unsaturated crooked fatty acids cannot be packed together tightly liquid at room temperature o Hydrogenated the artificial addition of hydrogen atoms to an unsaturated fat Can improve taste texture and shelf life Understand that proteins have more functions in our body than any other type of organic molecule and understand the relationship between shape and function o Shape determines function Each protein has a unique shape o If the shape of the protein is modified enough to destroy its function it has denatured Know the two main types of nucleic acids and what makes up a nucleotide o DNA and RNA o Nucleotide A 5 C sugar A phosphate group A nitrogenous base Understand that cells are the most basic unit of life o Cell theory all organisms consist of one or more cells they are the smallest unit of life that can function on its own all cells arise from other cells Know the 6 traits all cells have in common o Cell membrane as a boundary o DNA as genetic material o RNA for protein synthesis o Ribosomes for protein manufacture o Proteins that do the cell s work o Cytoplasm Understand the phospholipid bilayer structure of the cell membrane o Allow selective permeability o Hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails Understand why cells are small by necessity o Exchange nutrients and wastes thru membrane o Large SA V meets the cell s needs o Cells can be bigger if there is a division of labor Organelles Know the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells o Prokaryotes simple structure small no nucleus no membrane bound organelles o Eukaryotes complex structure larger has nucleus has membrane bound organelles Membrane bound nucleus and organelles Specialized biochemical reactions Each organelle performs its own function Know the basic functions of the organelles discussed in lecture o Nucleus executive boardroom manages genes DNA and genetic info housed here o Chloroplasts organelles in plants and algae that capture nergy from the sun to produce food o Mitochondria sites of cellular respiration Harvest energy from food and convert it to ATP Energy conversion takes place here Powerhouse of the cell Understand endosymbiotic theory o Over time genetic changes made microorganisms incapable of living on their own which lead to modern compartmentalized eukaryotic cells Living things constantly need energy Energy is used and replaced by energy from the Week 2 Learning Objectives Understand that chemical bonds are a source of potential energy Know that energy flow is unidirectional o One way flow of energy environment Understand that chemical reactions absorb or release energy o Endergonic energy inward reactions Require an input of energy to proceed Build complex molecules from simpler ones o Exergonic energy outward reactions Release energy Break apart large complex molecules Products have less energy than reactants Know that ATP is energy currency and understand the basic structure of this molecule o ATP temporary chemical energy storage main energy carrier in cells rechargeable battery Adenosine triphosphate Adenine N base Ribose sugar 3 phosphate groups ATP can donate its phosphate group to another molecule ATP synthesis is Endergonic and stores energy Understand how different wavelengths of light are absorbed or reflected and why leaves change color in the fall o In the fall chlorophyll a and b have lower relative amount of pigment molecules present in leaves so reds and oranges are reflected while the green is absorbed Opposite in spring Photosynthesis makes glucose and O2 from CO2 and H20 and light Light Dependent Reaction solar energy is captured and transformed to chemical energy o Occurs within chloroplasts o Plants use this process Water is split to produce O2 Produce ATP and NADPH Summary o The electrons which have lost most of their energy pass to the next photo system collection of plant pigments o Photon energy strikes photo system which again energizes electrons o Electrons are added to NADPH Calvin Cycle uses chemical energy produced in light reaction does not need

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OSU BIOLOGY 1101 - Learning Objectives

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